Humboldt Advisory Committee on Sustainability [HACS]
Committee Roles and Responsibilities
Download the Charge of the Committee
The Committee will report directly to the Provost and the VP for Administration & Finance. As a general practice, the committee will develop goals, actions, and timelines for areas of focus in support of academic priorities, the strategic plan, the climate action plan, the sustainability policy and other related initiatives. These areas of focus include:
- Curriculum and Research
- Campus & Community Engagement
- Air & Climate
- Energy
- Buildings & Grounds
- Food & Dining
- Purchasing
- Transportation
- Waste & Water
Tasks of the Committee:
Go to to review the Humboldt Climate Actin Plan, the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System (STARS) report, and other policies and initiatives relevant to this Committee.
Examples of past tasks include...
- Establish and make public a formal, campus-wide definition of sustainability;
- Review current policies and procedures in each focus area, starting with evaluation of results from the 2016-2017 STARS report for Humboldt;
- Delineate and seek synergies with other established groups on campus and in the community
- Create a central process or mechanism for coordinating projects, wherein status tracking is accessible and transparent to the campus community;
- Formulate goals that are realistic, while at the same time push the envelope forward on what is possible, and
- Establish a governance structure for attendance, voting, updates, and other procedures.
Download the 2021 - 2022 Annual Report
Download the 2022 - 2023 Annual Report
Download the 2023 - 2024 Annual Report
In her introduction to the Humboldt Climate Action Plan, former President Lisa Rossbacher stated that “A bold and transformational commitment to sustainability is necessary to have an impact on our climate and planetary future and to foster the next generation of sustainability leaders.”
To reach the targets set in the Climate Action Plan, as well as the CSU Sustainability Policy and the 2015-2020 Strategic Plan, sustainability must be a strategic priority for the campus, so that major decisions, planning efforts and activities are conducted according to the “Triple Bottom Line”: the interrelated dimensions of sustainability that are ecology, economy and social equity. Thus, in Spring 2017 former Vice President of Administration & Finance Joyce Lopes and former Provost Alex Enyedi chartered the Humboldt Advisory Committee on Sustainability to engage stakeholders and to make recommendations for further implementing sustainability into campus operations, academics and infrastructure.
Committee Membership
- Faculty co-chair (appointed by Provost and VP of Administrative Affairs & Finance),
- Director of Sustainability co-chair,
- four additional faculty
- three appointed by Provost
- one by Senate
- four students
- one student appointed by Associated Students,
- one student appointed by the Campus Center for Appropriate Technology,
- one student appointed by the Waste Reduction & Resource Awareness Program,
- one student appointed by Green Campus,
- four auxiliary services representatives
- one appointed by the Executive Director of the University Center Foundation,
- one appointed by the Director of Housing,
- one appointed by the Dining Services Director,
- one appointed by the Director of Athletics,
- four staff members
- one appointed by Staff Council,
- one appointed by the Director of Sustainability,
- one appointed by the Budget Director,
- one appointed by the Director of Academic Resources
- two members of Facilities Management
- Director of Parking Services,
- one member of the custodial staff appointed by the AVP of Facilities Management.
Points of Contact
Contact Morgan King, Climate Action Analyst at, and Dr. Jo Archibald, Asst Professor of Engineering, to RSVP and/or request additional information.
Committee meetings are one hour and occur once a month, or if the committee as a whole determines that meeting more often would be advantageous (e.g., twice a month)