Resolutions, Legislation & Proclamations

Resolutions are statements of position on a particular issue by the Associated Students Board, acting as representatives of the students of Cal Poly Humboldt. The resolutions are listed by the date on which they were passed.


Opposition to Priority or Specialized Registration for HSU Student-Athletes


Approved February 20, 2006

Whereas, The Associated Students serve as the official voice of the students at Humboldt State University; and

Whereas, The Associated Students recognize that all students, regardless of involvement in student activities are first, and foremost, students; and

Whereas, Granting priority registration to one group of students, without offering the same privilege to other groups would lead to tension and conflict between organizations in the student community; and

Whereas, Many other students on this campus would feel that their activities should qualify them to have priority or specialized registration including but not limited to, students in Marching Lumberjacks, CCAT, Sports Clubs, YES house, Service Learning, Campus Recycling, Student Access Gallery, CenterArts, AS Presents, or any other AS or campus program, also Student-Parents, full and part time working students, students active in clubs, students on campus committees, students who are participating even further as program directors/ co-directors of programs on campus; therefore be it

Resolved, That the Associated Students of Humboldt State University do formally oppose priority or specialized registration for student athletes; be it further

Resolved, That copies of this resolution be sent to, but not limited to, HSU President Rollin Richmond, Vice President of Student Affairs Steve Butler, Provost Richard Vrem, HSU Alumni Association, HSU Athletic Director Dan Collen, HSU Faculty Athletic Representative Jeff Borgeld, HSU Academic Senate Chair Saeed Mortazavi, HSU College Deans, the Lumberjack Newspaper, and members of the local media.

Authored by: David Backues, Legislative Vice President

Submitted by:

_________________________________ ______________________________
Colleen Roberts, Representative Jena Miyata, Representative
All University Residence Halls Association

_________________________________ ______________________________
David Backues, Legislative Vice President Nicole Alvarado, President

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Honor of Books Building Bridges


Approved February 20 , 2006

Whereas, The Associated Students are committed to honoring the work of dedicated student leaders who go above and beyond the "Call of duty" to help others; and

Whereas, The Books Building Bridges mission is: "To facilitate the distribution of literary materials to classrooms and libraries in those areas affected by Hurricane Katrina and to strive to foster communication and educational exchange between Humboldt County schools and schools affected"; and

Whereas, Books Building Bridges has shown a great amount of initiative during the time after Hurricane Katrina, raising over $5500.00 to deliver over 500 pounds of books in an effort to rebuild an elementary school library wrecked by the storms and further outreach into their devastated community; and

Whereas, The individuals in Books Building Bridges, have shown selflessness taking time away from their studies and their social lives; and

Whereas, In the accomplishment of their goals, Books Building Bridges has taken the ideals of Humboldt State University way beyond the redwood curtain and shown what Humboldt State is all about; therefore be it

Resolved, That the Associated Students Council congratulate Books Building Bridges on a job well done and wish them success in their future endeavors; and be it further

Resolved, That copies of this resolution be sent to: All members of Books Building Bridges, Melanie Williams- advisor for Books Building Bridges, HSU President Rollin Richmond, Student Affairs Vice President Steve Butler, Provost Rick Vrem, Dean Sharmon Kenyon, The Lumberjack newspaper, and members of the local media.

Authored by: David Backues, Legislative Vice President
Associated Students

Submitted by:
Elisabeth Gerstacker, Representative
College of Professional Studies
Jena Miyata, Representative
Residence Halls Association
Approved by:
David Backues, Legislative Vice President
Nicole Alvarado, President

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Support of Childcare Availability for HSU Student Parents

Resolution in Support of Childcare Availability for HSU Student Parents

Approved April 10, 2006

Whereas, The mission statement of the Associated Students of Humboldt State University states, "The specific purpose of (Associated Students) is to ... provide an official voice through which students' opinions may be expressed..."; and,

Whereas, Humboldt State University does not offer many general education classes in non-traditional formats (online, distance learning) that increase the availability of higher education to student parents,

Whereas, The Child Care Center at Humboldt State University estimates that there are approximately one hundred children of students currently on their waiting list to receive child care; and,

Whereas, Many student parents are forced to bring their children to class, are unable to take many classes at the times available, or end up postponing their educational plans due to lack of child care; and,

Whereas, The lack of child care at Humboldt State University dramatically and negatively affects student parents and, potentially the entire campus community; and,

Whereas, Student parents generally have a greater financial burden in order to provide for child care; therefore be it

Resolved, That the Associated Students of Humboldt State University formally supports the availability of adequate, low cost or subsidized child care for all students and urges the administration to solve this issue immediately; and be it further,

Resolved, That the Associated Students of Humboldt State University believe that either child care should be provided to all student parents on campus or that child care grants be provided for student parents to obtain outside sources of child care; and be it further,

Resolved, That copies of this resolution be sent, but not limited to HSU President Rollin Richmond, the HSU Academic Senate, The California State Student Association, the HSU Child Care Center, the Child Development Lab, the Lumberjack Newspaper, and the local media.

Authored by: Colleen Roberts, All University Representative, Associated Students

_________________________________ _________________________________
Colleen Roberts, Representative Jennifer Gordon, Representative
All University College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences

___________________________________ _____________________________________
David Backues, Legislative Vice President Nicole Alvarado, President

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Creating a Full-Time Sustainability Administrator at HSU


Approved May 8, 2006

Whereas, The Associated Students is the official student voice of Humboldt State University, and;

Whereas, Many California Universities are reevaluating the way they function and work towards sustainability in areas of energy, waste, water, transportation, and building design to lessen the ecological footprints of their institutions, and

Whereas, HSUäó¢íó_í_Œés recently drafted Master Plan states that HSU will be äó¢íó_äó¢íó_äó¢íó_the campus of choice for individuals who seek, above all else, to improve the human condition and our environmentäó¢íó_í_Œ and that äó¢íó_äó¢íó_äó¢íó_individuals must be environmentally, economically and socially responsible in the quest for viable and sustainable communities,äó¢íó_í_Œ and

Whereas, National and global environmental issues are becoming more grave and there is a growing interest in sustainability efforts within curricula of higher education and K-12, and

Whereas, Humboldt State has long been considered a leader in the study and practice of sustainability and environmental stewardship, and

Whereas, Physical Services staff have expressed and demonstrated that they would be willing to incorporate appropriate student and faculty projects into campus design, but there is no permanent formal liaison between Physical Services staff, faculty and students to facilitate or document such activity, and

Whereas, There are several faculty with extensive experience and expertise in sustainability topics with students who conduct high quality research and create feasible proposals for practical sustainability projects each semester in a myriad of classes across campus, and

Whereas, Humboldt State has an impressive history of student involvement in the pursuit of a healthier and more sustainable campus and community, and

Whereas, There are many students eager for experiential, hands-on learning opportunities with real benefit and utility,

Whereas, There are no current concentrated efforts or effective environmental education programs during orientation to educate incoming students about their personal responsibility regarding environmental issues, and

Whereas, There is no one on the campus who is focusing on PR and Enrollment Management campaigns to recruit potential student leaders in this field or market HSUäó¢íó_í_Œés reputation as a leader in sustainable practices, and

Whereas, Humboldt State staff have little or no extra time to research and coordinate the myriad of projects, programs and funding opportunities available to implement sustainability projects that would save money and reduce environmental impacts of the campus, and

Whereas, Several universities across the state and the nation have already created and have successful sustainability coordinator staff positions to coordinate between students, staff, faculty, administrators and community members, and improve the campusäó¢íó_í_Œés environmental stewardship

Whereas, The creation of a Sustainability Administrator position would increase student awareness of personal environmental responsibility and would aid in making HSU the sustainable institution that it aspires to be, and

Whereas, The creation of a Sustainability Administrator will help increase enrollment, produce financial savings for the University, improve the reputation of HSU as a leader in Sustainability, improve relationships between the city of Arcata and HSU, and improve collaboration between administration, staff, faculty, and students, therefore be it

Resolved, The Associated Students endorses the proposal written to create a full-time staff Sustainability Administrator position, therefore be it further

Resolved, The Associate students of HSU call upon the President and administration of HSU to create a full-time staff position dedicated to sustainability and to seek funding to create such a position, therefore be it further

Resolved, The Associated Students urge the administration to take advantage of HSUäó¢íó_í_Œés historic strength in the area of sustainability by aggressively pursuing a Public Relations and Enrollment Management campaign that highlights Humboldtäó¢íó_í_Œés strengths and successes in environmental stewardship with the help of the Sustainability Administrator; and be it further

Resolved, that copies of this resolution be sent to, but not limited to the following:
HSU President Rollin Richmond, Vice President of Administrative Affairs Carl Coffey, Vice President of Facilities Management Bob Schulz, Vice President of Academic Affairs Richard Vrem, Vice President of Advancement Burt Nordstrom, the HSU Academic Senate, the HSU Budget Committee, Deans, Office of Enrollment Management, Office of Economic and Community Development, The Director of Housing, the California State Student Association, the Arcata City Council, HSU Online News, The Environmental and Social Justice Coalition, The Lumberjack newspaper, and members of the local media.

Authored by:
The Environmental and Social Justice Clubs Coalition

Submitted by:
Krystal Rogers, Green Campus Coordinator

original signatures on file with Associated Students
David Backues
Nicole Alvarado
Legislative Vice President

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"Northern California Coastal Wild Heritage Wilderness Act" Bill (H.R. 233/S. 128)


Adopted March 7, 2005

Whereas, the designation of wilderness permanently preserves our Nationäó¢íó_í_Œés remaining
untrammeled federal land; and

Whereas, the "Wild and Scenic River" designation strictly protects our Nation's
outstanding free flowing rivers; and

Whereas, Humboldt State University students and faculty utilize the Act's proposed
wilderness areas for recreational opportunities; and

Whereas, HSU students and faculty of numerous departments engage in study and
conduct research in these proposed wilderness areas; and

Whereas, with the continued urban expansion and population growth on the North
Coast, it is increasingly important to preserve our remaining wild areas; and

Whereas, as student representatives, it is our responsibility to ensure future students
are able to have the experiences in this area that we have been able to; and

Whereas, HSU prides itself on its commitment to natural resource conservation
efforts; therefore be it

Resolved, that the Associated Students formally support the "Northern California
Coastal Wild Heritage Wilderness Act"; and be it further

Resolved, that the Associated Students urge the U.S. Congress to act on this Bill
without delay; and be it further

Resolved, That copies of this Resolution be sent to, but not limited to: U.S.
Representative and House Resources Committee Chair Richard Pombo,
U.S. Representative Mike Thompson, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger,
President George W. Bush, CSU Chancellor Charles Reed, HSU President
Rollin C. Richmond, California State Student Association, The Lumberjack
newspaper, and other local media.

Authored by:

Noah Schillo, Representative
College of Natural Resources & Sciences

Approved by:
Kyle Zeck, Legislative Vice President

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Converting Blackboard to Moodle


Adopted March 21, 2005

Whereas, Online teaching and learning tools are essential in higher education; and,

Whereas, In the recently adopted Strategic Plan, HSU claims to be committed to developing and supporting information technology to enhance effective
teaching and learning environments that promote academic excellence; and,

Whereas, The HSU 2004 Master Plan proposed an enrollment ceiling of 12,000
full-time equivalent students and must plan to accommodate future students;

Whereas, Blackboard Basic, the current Learning Management Software is licensed to
Humboldt State University for approximately $8,600 annually; and,

Whereas, Blackboard Basic is licensed to educational institutions with less than 7,000
Students, while Blackboard Enterprise is licensed to educational institutions with more than 7,000 students; and,

Whereas, A Blackboard Enterprise license would entail one-time costs of about
$150,000 and on-going costs of about $60,000 annually; and,

Whereas, CSU spends over $1 million each year just on Blackboard licenses; and,

Whereas, CSU students are encountering a time when the CSU budget is being
reduced and fees for students are rising; and,

Whereas, Moodle is a free, open-source Learning Management System software
supported by programmers world-wide; and,

Whereas, Moodle is able to customize its system to meet HSU's specific needs
in order to better serve HSU students, and courses currently on
Blackboard can be converted to Moodle; and

Whereas, In a comparison analysis of Moodle and Blackboard by Dr. Kathy D.
Munoz, Professor and Joan Van Duzer, Instructional Technologist in
Spring 2005, 35.7% of the HSU students preferred Moodle over the
21.4% who preferred Blackboard, while 42.9% had no preference;
therefore be it

Resolved, that the Associated Students of Humboldt State University encourage
faculty to convert the Blackboard Online Learning Management System
to Moodle in their courses; and be it further

Resolved, that the Associated Students call upon the HSU administration to assume a
leadership role in the CSU system by allocating required resources to
implement this conversion and to take the necessary measures to terminate
the contract with Blackboard; and be it further

Resolved, that the Associated Students of HSU encourage the California State
Student Association (CSSA) and the California Faculty Association (CFA)
to promote the use of Moodle throughout the CSU system and to eventually
stop payment of licensing fees; and be it further

Resolved, That copies of this resolution be sent, but not limited to, HSU President
Rollin Richmond, Provost Richard Vrem, Vice President of Administrative
Services Carl Coffey, Deans of the Colleges, Graduate Studies, and Library,
the HSU Academic Senate, University Budget Committee, the California
State Student Association, the California Faculty Association, Chancellor
Charles Reed, the CSU Board of Trustees, Dr. Kathy D. Munoz,
Joan Van Duzer, Bill Cannon, The Lumberjack newspaper and
members of the local media.

Authored by:

Michelle Woo, Representative
Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences

Kyle Zeck, Legislative Vice President
Samantha Williams-Gray, President

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Humboldt State University Energy Independence


Adopted April 4, 2005

Whereas, the Associated Students of Humboldt State University wish to make our campus independent from external energy suppliers by using energy sources that do not deplete our natural resources or degrade the natural environment; and

Whereas, the official vision statement of Humboldt State University defines the University as, "…a premier institution that is dedicated to the study and preservation of the environment and its natural resources"; and

Whereas, during the 2004 Associated Students General Elections HSU students passed with 85% of the vote the Humboldt Energy Independence Fund (HEIF) Fee ballot initiative, calling for a student fee which would allow students to fund, design, and implement sustainable energy projects; and

Whereas, the Associated Students believe that prompt implementation of the HEIF fee will cement HSU's reputation for environmental responsibility; and

Whereas, the projects initiated by the HEIF will provide students with a unique curriculum unavailable at any other educational institution in the country; and

Whereas, implementing the HEIF will save Humboldt State University money at a time when energy costs continue to rise; and

Whereas, despite overwhelming student support, CSU Chancellor Reed refused to approve the HEIF fee because of a promise not to impose any new fees on the students under the current economic conditions; and

Whereas, the students of Humboldt State University acknowledge and accept these conditions, yet still chose to tax themselves, feeling the benefits of moving towards energy independence outweigh the detrimental effects of the fee; and

Whereas, HSU President Rollin Richmond has offered his full support for the
HEIF by means of a voluntary fee, and therefore be it

Resolved, that the Associated Students of Humboldt State University reiterate our plan to free our campus from dependence on external energy by means of the Humboldt Energy Independence Fund Fee as voted on an passed by the student body; and further be it

Resolved, that the Associated Students of Humboldt State University call upon CSU Chancellor Reed to allow HSU to implement the HEIF fee and in doing so remain consistent with the University's official vision statement; and be it further

Resolved, that should the Chancellor refuse, the HSU Associated Students support the implementation of a waiveable "opt-out" HEIF fee, allowing students not to
participate if they so choose; and be it further

Resolved, that copies of this resolution be sent to, but not limited to the following:
CSU Chancellor Charles B. Reed, the CSU Board of Trustees, Senator Wesley Chesbro, Assemblywoman Patty Berg, the Arcata City Council, HSU President Rollin Richmond, Vice President of Administrative Affairs
Carl Coffey, Facilities Management Director Bob Schulz, the HSU Academic Senate, the California State Student Association,
The Lumberjack newspaper, and members of the local media.

Authored by:
Nicole Alvarado
Matt Clinton
Misty Hailstone
T. Cole Newton
Pearl Podgorniak


_____________________________ ____________________________
Kyle Zeck, Legislative Vice President Samantha Williams-Gray, President

Signatures on file at the Associated Students.

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2004-2005 Humboldt State University Men

Resolution in Recognition of the 2004-2005 Humboldt State University
Men's Rugby Team Accomplishments

Approved 09/26/05

Whereas, the mission of Humboldt State University Associated Students is to "provide services and programs deemed necessary… to meet the needs of the student and campus community: and to stimulate the educational, social, physical, and cultural well-being of the University community,"

Whereas, Humboldt State University Associated Students uphold a commitment to granting recognition to certain groups of students on campus that display outstanding achievement and foster a sense of school pride and unity; and,

Whereas, the 2004-2005 Humboldt State University Men's Rugby team is a Sports Club team sponsored by the Associated Students and individual team fund-raising and contributions; and,

Whereas, the 2004-05 Men's Rugby team achieved a league season record of 7 wins and 0 losses in which they outscored opponents 316 - 54; and,

Whereas, the 2004-05 Men's Rugby team then qualified for the playoffs, finishing the season with an overall record of 11 wins and 1 loss; and,

Whereas, the 2004-05 Men's Rugby team was the first ever Humboldt State Rugby team to advance the Final Four or National Title game in school history since the formation of the team in 1973; and,

Whereas, the 2004-05 Humboldt State Men's Rugby team finished the year as the National Champion Runner-up; therefore be it

Resolved, that the Associated Students of Humboldt Sate University officially recognize the accomplishments of the 2004-05 Men's Rugby team for an outstanding year; and further be it

Resolved, that the copies of this resolution be sent, but not limited too, HSU President Dr. Rollin Richmond, Vice-President of Student Affairs
Dr. Steven Butler, Clubs Coordinator Mike Kittredge, the HSU Men's Rugby Team, the Field's Oversight Committee, and the local media.

Authored by:

______________________________ _________________________________
Fred Robinson, All University Representative Carl Shoemaker, Graduate Studies Representative

____________________________________ ________________________________________
David Backues, Legislative Vice President Nicole Alvarado, President

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Opposing House Resolution 609

Resolution Opposing House Resolution 609

Approved 09/26/05

Whereas, According to the California Student Public Interest Group (CALPIRG), House Bill HR609, containing the Higher Education Reauthorization Act, will be voted upon in the House within the month, cutting nearly $9 billion from student loan programs, increasing the typical studentäó¢íó_í_Œés debt load by $5,800; and,

Whereas, The proposal to cut student aid is embedded in a budget process called "budget reconciliation" which makes cuts to programs like student aid and Medicaid in order to reduce federal spending; and,

Whereas, The majority of higher education institutions are currently raising fees and costs imposed on students to offset the budget cuts currently occurring nationwide; and,

Whereas, According to CALPIRG, over the last year, costs have risen at an average of 10.5 percent in four-year institutions and 8.7 percent at community colleges; and,

Whereas, According to CALPIRG, the average maximum Pell Grant is worth only half of what it was twenty years ago; and ,

Whereas, According to the United States Student Association (USSA), eighty percent (80%) of federal aid was once in the form of grants as opposed to loans: today that number is reversed, with twenty (20%) of federal aid coming from grants and 80 percent coming from loans, leaving the average undergraduate in a debt of $17,500 after graduation; and,

Whereas, Almost 200,000 qualified high-school graduates do not attend college each year due to cost; and,

Whereas, According to CALPIRG, sixty-three (63%) percent of undergraduates report that they would not be able to attend college if they did not work, and one in five undergraduates work thirty-five (35) hours per week (robbing them of valuable time to study and become involved in campus activities); and,

Whereas, The California State University system alone is expected to grow to over 500,000 students as early as 2010, along with Humboldt State expecting a growth of students to 12,000 by 2025; and,

Whereas, The economic condition of California's budget is resulting in massive reductions to all segments of education, with severe cuts to the two systems of higher education that serve over 611,000 students; and,

Whereas, Humboldt University students will face direct, adverse affects from this bill, therefore be it

Resolved, That the Associated Students of Humboldt State University officially oppose House Bill HR609; be it further

Resolved, That the Associated Students of Humboldt State University urges the Academic Senate of Humboldt State University, President Rollin Richmond, the CSU Board of Trustees, and Chancellor Reed to take similar actions to oppose HR609; be it further

Resolved, That the Associated Students of Humboldt State University encourage all students to contact their respective senators and Congress members regarding HR609; further be it further

Resolved, That copies of this Resolution be sent, but not limited to, HSU President Rollin Richmond, the HSU Academic Senate, US Congressman Mike Thompson, US Senators Diane Feinstein and Barbara Boxer, Dean of Enrollment Management Jean Butler, The California State Student Association, The Lumberjack, and the local media.

Authored by:

Perry Brubaker, Student-At-Large

Approved by:

_____________________________________ ______________________________
David Backues, Legislative Vice President Nicole Alvarado, President

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Resolution In Opposition of Proposition 74


Approved October 10, 2005

Whereas, the mission statement of the Associated Students of Humboldt State University states,"The specific purpose of (Associated Students) is to… provide an official voice through which students' opinions may be expressed;… assist in the protection of the rights and interests of the individual student and the student body;… and to stimulate the educational, social, physical, and cultural well-being of the University community." (2/01); and,

Whereas, Proposition 74 increases the probationary period for K-12 teachers from two years to five years ranking California with only two other states with the highest probationary period for K-12 teachers; and,

Whereas, Proposition 74 proposes to take away a measure of job security for new K-12 teachers by denying them the right to have a fair hearing before dismissal during their first five years; and,

Whereas, Proposition 74 unfairly singles out teachers as the problem in our public school system without further addressing students' learning environment; and,

Whereas, Proposition 74 threatens to deflect and prevent retention of high-quality teachers in the California public school system; and,

Whereas, 781 students (11% of the student body) at Humboldt State University in the 2004-05 Academic year were involved in either the Elementary Education Program or the Humboldt State University Teaching Credential Program; and,

Whereas, Humboldt State University students completing the credential program will be directly affected by the outcome of Proposition 74 when entering the workforce. Therefore be it

Resolved, that the Associated Students formally oppose Proposition 74 and will assist in the efforts of CSSA (California State Student Association) and students at large to register voters, educate the student body on electoral issues, and activate the student vote; therefore be it further

Resolved, that copies of this Resolution be sent, but not limited to HSU President Rollin Richmond, the HSU Academic Senate, The California State Student Association, the Lumberjack Newspaper, the California Teachers Association, the California Faculty Association, Governor Schwarzenegger's California Recovery Team with Proponent Bonnie Garcia, and local media.

Authored by: Terra Rentz and Diana Campos

__________________________________ ___________________________
Brandon Hemenway, Representative Fredrick Robinson, Representative
College of Professional Studies All-University

__________________________________ ____________________________
David Backues, Legislative Vice President Nicole Alvarado, President

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Resolution In Opposition of Proposition 76


Approved October 10, 2005

Whereas, the mission statement of the Associated Students of Humboldt State University states, "The specific purpose of (Associated Students) is to…provide an official voice through which students' opinions may be expressed;…assist in the protection of the rights and interests of the individual student and the student body;…and to stimulate the educational, social, physical, and cultural well-being of the University community." (2/01); and,

Whereas, Proposition 76 allows the Governor new authority to unilaterally reduce state spending during fiscal situations; and eliminates the minimum school funding requirements from Proposition 98; and ,

Whereas, Proposition 76 would also have a new spending cap, which would limit spending based on revenue growth in the past three years- preventing the state from restoring spending cuts to the CSU made during slow or negative growth periods; and,

Whereas, this act would prohibit the state from using revenues generated by student fees for their intended purpose in the CSU system and other state funded programs; and,

Whereas, as a result, the fees paid by students within the CSU would not necessarily be used for their intended programs which were cut during previous state budget crises; and,

Whereas, by allowing the Governor new fiscal powers without legislative approval, the fiscal impact of Proposition 76 will be detrimental to higher education; therefore be it

Resolved, that the Associated Students formally opposes Proposition 76 and will assist in the efforts with CSSA (California State Student Association) and students at large to register voters, educate the study body on electoral issues, and active the student vote; therefore be it further

Resolved, that copies of this Resolution be sent, but not limited to HSU President Rollin Richmond, the HSU Academic Senate, the California State Student Association, the Lumberjack Newspaper, the California Faculty Association, Governor Schwarzenegger's California Recovery Team with Proponents William Hauck and Allan Zaromberg, and the local media.

Authored by: Terra Rentz and Diana Campos

_________________________________ _____________________________________
Brandon Hemenway, Representative Fredrick Robinson, Representative
College of Professional Studies All University

__________________________________ ____________________________________
David Backues, Legislative Vice President Nicole Alvarado, President

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Opposition Of 8% Student Fee Increase


Approved October 24, 2005

Whereas, the mission statement of the Associated Students of Humboldt State University states, "The specific purpose of Associated Students is to…provide an official voice through which students' opinions may be expressed;…assist in the protection of the rights and interests of the individual student and the student body;…and to stimulate the educational, social, physical, and cultural well-being of the University community; and,

Whereas, The California State University Board of Trustees is considering a budget with an 8% student fee increase for the 2006-2007 school year that will roughly equal $220.00 per student; and,

Whereas, public higher education has not been the fiscal priority of the State of California
for the last four years; and,

Whereas, total student fee increases have equaled 81% over the last four years; and,

Whereas, the California State University's mission statement is "To encourage and provide access to an excellent education to all who are prepared for and wish to participate in collegiate study"; and,

Whereas, the increasing student fees creates a barrier for qualified and prepared students to enroll in the California State University, and contradicts the mission statement of the CSU system; therefore be it,

Resolved, that the Associated Students formally oppose the proposed State University Fee increase for students contained in the 2006-2007 CSU budget; therefore be it further,

Resolved, that copies of this Resolution be sent, but not limited to The Board of Trustees of the California State Student Association, CSU Chancellor Charles B. Reed, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, State Senator Wes Chesbro, State Assemblymember Patty Berg, HSU President Rollin Richmond, HSU Academic Senate, the California State Student Association, the HSU Lumberjack News, and the local media.

Authored by: Robert W. Christensen, HSU Representative
California State Student Association

__________________________________ ___________________________________
Noah Schillo, CNRS Representative Brandon Hemenway, COPS Representative

__________________________________ ___________________________________
David Backues, Legislative Vice President Nicole Alvarado, President

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Funding for Sustainable Community Agriculture Education


Approved November 7, 2005

Whereas, the Mission Statement of the Associated Students of Humboldt State University states that "The Associated Students…[shall] provide an official voice through which students' opinions may be expressed;" and,

Whereas, the Mission Statement of the Associated Students of Humboldt State University states that "The specific purpose of this corporation is to…stimulate the educational…well-being of the University community;" and,

Whereas, Humboldt State University's Vision Statement states that Humboldt State University is "a premier institution that is devoted to the study and preservation of the environment and its natural resources;" and,

Whereas, Humboldt State University draws students for their interest in sustainable communities and development; and,

Whereas, sustainable and community agriculture is considered one of the single most influential choices in reducing human's ecological footprint/impact on the environment; and,

Whereas, Humboldt State University has offered hands-on courses such as Engineering (ENGR) 380: Community Agriculture, which utilizes the Arcata Educational Farm as a laboratory and educational forum; and,

Whereas, ENGR 380, Community Agriculture, had funding discontinued in 2003; and,

Whereas, no other courses regarding community and sustainable agriculture are currently offered through Humboldt State University; and,

Whereas, ENGR 380 is not being offered at Humboldt State University after the Fall of 2005 because the volunteers who have lectured ENGR 380 since 2003 are unavailable to teach without pay; and,

Whereas, previous attempts to secure the future survival of sustainable and community agriculture curriculum have failed; and

Whereas, no supplemental courses or programs to this course and curriculum are planned to be offered in the future at Humboldt State University; and,

Whereas, the Environmental Science degree concentration "Soils
and Alternative Agriculture" does not have a complete curriculum without a course regarding sustainable agriculture; therefore be it,

Resolved, the Associated Students of Humboldt State University support an administrative decision to fund a course or courses teaching community and sustainable agriculture; therefore be it further,

Resolved, that copies of this resolution shall be sent, but not limited to; HSU President Rollin Richmond, Rick Vrem, Provost, James Howard, Dean of the College of Natural Resources & Sciences, Sayeed Mortazavi, Chair of the Academic Senate, Beth Eschenbauch Chair of Environmental Resource Engineering Department, all campus clubs and organizations, all A.S. Programs, the Lumberjack News, and the local media.

Authored by: Michaela Neumann & Jennifer Fusaro

__________________________________ ________________________________
Michaela Neumann Jennifer Fusaro

___________________________ _________________________
Noah Schillo, Representative Carl Shoemaker, Representative
College of Natural Resources & Sciences Graduate Studies

__________________________________ ________________________________
David Backues, Nicole Alvarado
Legislative Vice President President

Original signatures on file with the Associated Students

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Resolution in Support of Affordable Textbooks


Adopted March 7, 2005

Whereas, according to a survey by the California Student Public Interest Research
Group (CALPIRG), students spent an average of $898 per year on textbooks
in the 2003-04 school year, or almost 20 percent of the cost of in-state fees,

Whereas, in contrast, a 1997 University of California survey found that students spent
an average of $642 on textbooks in 1996-97, and

Whereas, textbook publishers "bundle" textbooks with CD-ROMs and workbooks that
over 65% of faculty surveyed say they "rarely" or "never" use, and

Whereas, textbook publishers put new editions on the market frequently —often with
few content changes—making the less expensive used editions obsolete and
unavailable, and

Whereas, textbook publishers charge American students more than students overseas
for the same textbooks, and

Whereas, these new editions make it difficult for students to sell back their textbooks to
the Humboldt State University Bookstore, and

Whereas, textbook publishers are unfairly charging students at a time when tuition and
other college costs are rising, therefore be it

Resolved, by the members of The Associated Students call upon college textbook
publishers to adopt the following practices:

• To keep the cost of producing textbooks as low as possible without
sacrificing educational content;
• To give faculty and students the option of buying textbooks separately;
• To keep textbook editions on the market as long as possible without
sacrificing the educational content;
• To give preference to paper or on-line supplements to current editions
over producing entirely new editions;
• To disclose to faculty members all of the different products they sell -
including both bundled and unbundled options, list how much each of
those products cost, the length of time they intend to produce the current
edition, and how the newest edition is different from the previous edition;
and be it further

Resolved, that The Associated Students call upon faculty to give preference to the least
cost textbook option when the educational content is equal and to press
publishers to adopt the above practices, and be it further

Resolved, that The Associated Students call upon the University to encourage as many
opportunities for students to purchase used books as possible, including the
Associated Students Book Exchange and the Humboldt State University
Bookstore, and be it further

Resolved, that the HSU Bookstore negotiate with publishers for a complimentary
University Access Copy to be placed in the HSU Library, and be it further

Resolved, that The Associated Students will forward a copy of this resolution to the
following parties: the Association of American Publishers, HSU President
Rollin Richmond, Provost Richard Vrem, All HSU College Deans, Sharmon Kenyon, Dean of the Library, the HSU Academic Senate, the California
Faculty Association, the California State Student Association, the HSU
University Center, the HSU Bookstore, CALPIRG and the Lumberjack
News and local media.

Drafted by: CALPIRG
Revised and authored by: Michelle Woo
College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences

Kyle Zeck, Legislative Vice President
Samantha William-Gray, President

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HSU Energy Independance Fund Memorandum

-M E M O R A N D U M-

DATE: April 30, 2003

TO: Robert C. Schulz, AIA
Director, Physical Services

FROM: Gretchen Kinney
President, Associated Students

SUBJECT: HSU Energy Independence Fund

On behalf of the Associated Students Council, I wish to convey that the
Associated Students is supportive of the HSU Energy Independence Fund.
The concept of the HSU Energy Independence Fund initiated a student fee
of $10 per an academic semester to generate funding for renewable energy
and energy conservation methods which would allow HSU to become
energy independent via conservation and alternative generation, because
the State does not necessarily support the economics of these projects.

The Associated Students feels that the HSU Energy Independence Fund will
further our campus' reputation as being a leader of sustainable development
with dedication to environmentally conscious actions. However, the
Associated Students is extremely aware that students, who are already
burdened by alternative fee increases, will pay these fees. Accordingly,
we are supportive of a formal student body referendum concerning the
approval of the HSU Energy Independence Fund to take place in Fall 2003.

We hereby recognize that in addition to the student fee component, the
HSU administration would contribute to the fund, net energy savings that
result from projects implemented by the Energy Independence Fund.
Student Fees will not be used in lieu of economically defensible energy
savings projects that can be funded from State sources. Furthermore,
we recognize that a student majority board will control the HSU Energy
Independence Fund. The Associated Students is receptive and supportive
of the HSU Energy Independence Fund going to a student vote in the fall.

Copy: President Rollin Richmond
Vice President Carl Coffey
Michael Winkler
HSU Sustainable Campus Task Force/Club

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Resolution Supporting the Preservation of the Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) at HSU


Approved January 26, 2004

Whereas, the Associated Students (AS) is the official voice of the students of Humboldt State University; and,

Whereas, the Mission of the Associated Students of Humboldt State University is to "assist in the protection of the rights and interests of the individual student and the student body" and,

Whereas, EOP serves more than 600 actively enrolled low-income and educationally disadvantaged Humboldt State University students any given semester; and,

Whereas, EOP's advising unit provides more than 4,000 sessions per year for academic, personal, financial aid and career advising; and,

Whereas, EOP at Humboldt State University admits and enrolls more than 225 new low-income, educationally disadvantaged students and awards a total of $239,000 each year in grant awards for financially eligible students, and

Whereas, each year approximately 60 EOP students graduate from Humboldt State University; and,

Whereas, EOP has already undergone budget reductions that caused its Summer Bridge Program to be reduced by 15% of students admitted; and,

Whereas, The California State Student Association (CSSA) has taken a position opposing Governor Schwarzenegger's mid-year reduction to the CSU 2003-2004 budget by an additional $23.8 million dollars"including $12.5 million dollars to eliminate State Outreach funding; therefore, be it

Resolved, that the Associated Students of Humboldt State University officially oppose Governor Schwarzenegger's proposed 2004-2005 budget that eliminates funding for Outreach Programs, including EOP in the California State University; and be it further

Resolved, that the Associated Students of Humboldt State University stand in solidarity with other entities on the HSU campus that support the preservation of the Educational Opportunity Program (EOP); and be it further

Resolved, that the Associated Students of Humboldt State University dedicate resources for a campaign to preserve EOP at Humboldt State University; and be it finally

Resolved, that copies of this Resolution be sent, but not limited to, HSU President Rollin Richmond, HSU Vice-President of Student Affairs, Steven Butler, the HSU Academic Senate, the California Faculty Association, the Academic Senate of the CSU, the California State Student Association, CSU Chancellor Charles Reed, The CSU Board of Trustees, Governor Schwarzenegger, The California State Senate, The California State Assembly, the HSU Alumni Association, and the HSU Educational Opportunity Program

Authored by:
Manolo Platin, HSU Representative
California State Student Association

___________________________________ _______________________________
Dusty Duley, Representative Joshua Allen, Representative
College of Natural Resources & Sciences College of Natural Resources & Science

Original signatures on file at the Associated Students' Office

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Resolution in Support of the campus wide forum on April 9th, as well as the organizing efforts of fa

Resolution in Support of the Campus Wide Forum on April 9th, as well as the organizing efforts of faculty, staff, and students of color on campus.

Adopted 4/5/04

Whereas: The Mission Statement of the Associated Students of Humboldt State
University states that " The Associated Students…[shall] assist in the protection of the rights and interests of the individual student and the student body; provide services and programs as deemed necessary by the corporation to meet the needs of the student and campus community; and to stimulate the educational, social physical, and cultural well-being of the University community;" and,

Whereas: The Associated Students of Humboldt State University support and value diversity and uphold a commitment to commend and partake in acts of social justice that educate the community on issues of diversity; and,

Whereas: The students of Humboldt State University recognizes that the recent campus climate surrounding race represents an increase in the institutionalized covert and aversive racism that perpetuates a hostile environment on campus for students, faculty, and staff of color; therefore be it,

Resolved: That on April 9 2004 at 4 pm in the Kate Buchanan Room, a Campus Wide Forum will be held as a day to address the historical pattern of the criminalization, sensationalized media representations, and safety of students of color on campus, and be it further,

Resolved: That the Associated Students strongly urge students, faculty, and staff attend this forum to pontificate the actualization of our commitment to students of color and their safety on Humboldt State University's campus, be it further,

Resolved: That this resolution will be sent to the following but not limited to these persons/organizations; Multicultural Center, Women's Center, MECHA, Accion Zapatista, Black Student Union, Latinos Unidos, Asian Pacific American Student Alliance, American Indian Alliance, Sista to Sista, Gamma Alpha Omega Sorority, Jewish Student Union, Queer Student Union, Disability Resource Center, University Police Department,

Lumber Jack Newspaper, President Rollin Richmond, Dr. Steve Butler Vice President of Student Affairs, Dr. Richard Vrem Vice President of Academic Affairs, Helen Jones Director of Diversity and Compliance Services, Susan Higgins, Dean of the College of Professional Studies, Karen Carlton, Dean of the College of Arts and Humanities, James Howard, Dean of the College of Natural Resources and Sciences and all academic departments, Sue McConnie, Chair, Academic Senate, Richard Vrem, Provost, Val Philips, Dean of Undergraduate Studies and Office of Enrollment Management, Randi Darnell Burke, Director of Educational Opportunity Program, and members of the local media.

Authored by Jordan Camp, James Braggs, Franisco, Samantha Willams-Grey,
Paris Adkins, Kelley Kiesling, Gretchen Kinney Newsom.

original signatures on file at the Associated Students office

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Resolution in Opposition to the Excess/Sanctionable Units Initiative

Resolution in Opposition to the proposed Excess/Sanctionable Units Initiative for Higher Education

Adopted May 3, 2004

Whereas: The Mission Statement of the Associated Students of Humboldt State University states "The Associated Students…[shall] provide an official voice through which students' opinions may be expressed;" and

Whereas: The Governor has vigorously pursued a series of severe cuts and significant fee increases directed at higher education to offset the California budget deficit. Within the Governor's proposed budget is an equally detrimental initiative referred to as Excess Units, also known as Sanctionable Units; and

Whereas: According to the Governor's Budget Summary on Higher Education 2004-2005, "the Governor's Budget proposes an elimination of the General Fund subsidy for UC and CSU students who take courses in excess of 110 percent of the total units required to earn their degree. Since most undergraduate majors at CSU require 120 semester units, students would generally begin paying the additional per-unit charge after completing 132 units;" and

Whereas: According to the Senate Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review*, " This proposal is specifically aimed at providing a financial incentive for students who have already earned enough units for a Bachelor's degree to graduate, rather than staying enrolled and taking additional (presumably unnecessary) courses. If students were to pay the full cost of instruction the price tag would be approximately $7,500 at the CSU. Both the UC and CSU seriously doubt they would be able to reap much (if any) of the $33.7 million of revenue this proposal is expected to raise. {Rather,} students would presumably graduate and/or stop taking classes if the cost were to escalate to $200-300 per unit;" and,

Whereas: The Excess/Sanctionable Units Initiative would deter students from the potential of double majors, minors, and/or study abroad opportunities, which are deemed necessary for competitive career placement post-graduation; and

Whereas: The Initiative's success relies on the student's unchallenged ability to declare a major early in his/her pursuit of a degree within higher education, and precludes him/her from the full ability to alter the declared choice and change majors; and

Whereas: The proposal hinders Humboldt State University and the CSU from upholding their commitment to the support of life long learning; and therefore be it
Resolved: The Associated Students of Humboldt State University is supportive of students identifying and meeting their educational goals rather than facilitating a policy that creates punitive measures against students who pursue learning above and beyond 110% of the minimum number of units necessary to graduate; and be it further

Resolved: The Associated Students of Humboldt State University acknowledges the need to facilitate graduation in a timely manner and recommends a policy that focuses on academic advising resources such as the degree audit report, mentoring, or degree road maps; and be it further

Resolved: The Associated Students of Humboldt State University condemns the Excess/Sanctionable Units Initiative, and regards it as a potential atrocity to learning and academic freedom; and be it further

Resolved: That copies of this resolution shall be sent to, but not limited to Governor Schwarzenegger, Chancellor Reed, the Board of Trustees, President of the UC, Chancellor of the Community Colleges, the Senate Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review, the Senate Committee on Education, the Assembly Committee on Higher Education, the Assembly Committee on Appropriations, Assemblymember Berg, Senator Chesbro, President Richmond, Provost Vrem, the HSU Academic Senate, the Statewide Academic Senate, CSSA, the Associated Students of the CSU, K-12 Superintendent of Public Education, and the Lumberjack Newspaper.

Authored by: Gretchen Kinney Newsom

_________________________________________________ ____________________________________
Christopher Cook, Representative Dusty Duley, Representative
College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences College of Natural Resources & Sciences

_________________________________________________ ____________________________________
Gretchen Kinney Newsom, President Kelley Kiesling, Legislative Vice-President

* Senate Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review, Overview of the 2004-2005 Budget Bill, Higher Education.

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Resolution in Support of Medically Recognized Patients Use of Cannabis on Campus

Resolution in Support of Medically Recognized Patients Use of Cannabis on Campus

Adopted May 3, 2004

Whereas: The Mission Statement of The Associated Students of Humboldt State University states that "[shall be] an official voice through which students' opinions may be expressed; foster awareness of these opinions both on and off campus; assist in the protection of the individual student and student body; provide services and programs as deemed necessary by the corporation to meet the needs of the student and campus community; and to stimulate the educational, social, physical, and cultural well-being of the University community;" and,

Whereas: The Associated Students recognizes there are students on campus who are medically recommended by a licensed physician to use cannabis for mitigation of physical aliments; and,

Whereas: The legal use of cannabis has been supported and made legal by the People of California through the passage of Proposition 215 of 1996, through measures by the Office of the District Attorney of Humboldt County, from the legislation of S.B. 420 by the State of California, and through cases within the California & United States Supreme Courts; and,

Whereas: This issue has been brought forth into the public realm of HSU by the Lumberjack, in which, University Police Chief Bob Foster was quoted as saying, "Marijuana is not legal.

If a person has it on campus they may be disciplined or arrested following federal law…It's important to know that local ordinances and state medicinal marijuana laws do not apply on school property, including [state] colleges and universities. On campus you will be arrested for either possession…"(1); and,

Whereas: David Bearman, a medical doctor, who was formerly Director of Student Health Services at San Diego State University, as well as an instructor in courses that deal with physiology at the University of California Santa Barbara, San Diego State University, & University of California San Francisco, was a Guest Columnist for the Lumberjack, and was quoted as saying, "The practice of medicine is not regulated by the federal government…[Bob Foster's] contention that marijuana is not legal in the State of California is wrong…Ronald M. George, Chief Justice of the California Supreme Court said,…'Under the state law, the possession & cultivation of marijuana is no more criminal-so long as its conditions are satisfied-then the possession of any prescription drug with a physicians prescription'…"(2); and,

Whereas: Students who hold valid 215 cards or have documentation that they are medicinally recognized by a licensed physician to posses and use cannabis legally should not live in fear of retribution by the University Police Department (UPD); and,

Whereas: Under current UPD & HSU policies, any student who is apprehended by UPD for the legal use of their medication, is subject to but not limited to citation, arrest, prosecution, and loss of financial aid; and,

Whereas: Such actions are detrimental to a student's educational goals, personal well-being, and legal rights; and

Whereas: The Associated Students does not condone the public use, production, or distribution of cannabis on school property by any student, nor do they wish to infringe upon the rights of students to have a smoke and drug-free campus; and be it,

Resolved: That the Associated Students calls upon the University Police Department and HSU President Rollin Richmond to be lenient with their drug policy towards students who are exercising their right to medicate in private or with another medicinally recognized student for safety & security reasons, in their dormitory, the forest behind campus, or within their vehicle; and be it,

Resolved: That Associated Students also asks that the HSU Policy that was established in 2001, be changed to reflect this appeal to the administration on the behalf of students to prevent the infringement of a medical users rights, and prevent the possible lawsuit that may follow from such infringements; and be it,

Resolved: That Associated Students recommends to University Housing to look into providing a private, locked room for those students who are medicinally recommended by a physician to use cannabis and live within the dorms; to lessen the impacts of other students rights to live in a smoke and drug-free environment; and be it,

Resolved: That copies of this resolution will be sent to University Police Chief Bob Foster, University Housing Director John Capaccio, HSU President Rollin Richmond, HSU Student Affairs Vice-President Steve Butler, the HSU Residence Hall Association, the Arcata City Council, the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors, District Attorney Paul Gallegos, the Humboldt County Medical Cannabis Task Force, and the local media.

Authored by Joshua Allen, AS Representative
College of Natural Resources & Sciences
Medicinally Recognized Cannabis Patient

_____________________________________ _______________________________________
Dusty Duley, Representative Robert Reed, Representative
College of Natural Resources & Sciences College of Professional Studies

_____________________________________ _______________________________________
Gretchen Kinney Newsom, President Kelley Kiesling, Legislative Vice-President

(1) (Lumberjack Vol. 84 No. 21, Wed. 3/10/2004, pg. 3 & 6)
(2) (Lumberjack Vol. 84 No. 25. Wed. 4/14/2004, pg.18)

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Resolution in Support of Assembly Bill 2710 (Diaz/Liu)

Resolution in Support of Assembly Bill 2710 (Diaz/Liu) Student Fees

Adopted May 4, 2004

WHEREAS: the Associated Students is the official voice of the students of Humboldt State University; and,

WHEREAS: the Mission of the Associated Students of HSU is to äó¢íó_äó¢íó_äó¢íó_assist in the protection of the rights and interests of the individual student and the student bodyäó¢íó_í_Œ; and,

WHEREAS: The State of California has long recognized the value of providing its citizens broad access to higher education by keeping fees at its public institutions of higher education as low as possible; and

WHEREAS: In 2002-2003 UC and CSU students experienced a 10 percent fee increase, and in 2003-2004 their fees were raised an additional 30 percent. Now the Governoräó¢íó_í_Œés budget proposes a 10 percent increase in undergraduate fees, and a 40 percent increase in graduate fees for the 2004-2005 academic year; and

WHEREAS: California Community College Students also suffered a 64 percent fee increase last year, and are facing yet another 44 percent boost this year; and

WHEREAS: Students attending these institutions have been forced to experience the pain of Californiaäó¢íó_í_Œés budget crisis. Fee increases should not be the way to solve the Stateäó¢íó_í_Œés deficit. Instead, it is in the stateäó¢íó_í_Œés best interest to maintain open access for students who seek to achieve their personal goals; and

WHEREAS: There is an urgent need for a sensible student fee policy. Governing boards within the legislature and the administration must be held responsible for disallowing many students of lower and middle economic backgrounds from not attaining their educational goals; and

WHEREAS: Assembly Bill 2710 would ensure that any increase in student fees would result in a proportional improvement in academic quality and services; and

WHEREAS: The Bill moreover states that the price of mandatory public secondary resident student fees would be set and adjusted by not more than 8% in any academic year and based only on what the average middle class family in California is able to pay without grants and loans; and

WHEREAS: This Bill asks the Legislature and the Administration to recognize all costs incurred by the system in providing public postsecondary education and fund a percentage of the real cost accordingly; and

WHEREAS: Lastly, this Bill would establish that any increase in fees would be accompanied with an increase in state and institutional aid; and therefore be it

RESOLVED: That the Associated Students of Humboldt State University commend Assemblymember Diaz for his student-centered approach to addressing the needs of many students attending a UC, CSU or a community college; and be it further

RESOLVED: that the Associated Students of Humboldt State University support Assembly Bill 2710 , authored by Assemblymember Diaz; and be it further

RESOLVED: That copies of this Resolution be sent, but not limited to: Assemblymember Patty Berg, Senator Wesley Chesbro, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, California State Assemblypersons Diaz, Liu (Bill authors), the California State Student Associationäó¢íó_í_Œés Office of Governmental Relations, President Rollin C. Richmond, the Lumberjack Newspaper, local media, the HSU Academic Senate and the Academic Senate, CSU

Authored by:
Manolo P. Platin, HSU Representative
California State Student Association

____________________________________ ___________________________________
Robert Read, Representative Joshua Allen, Representative
College of Professional Studies College of Natural Resources & Sciences

___________________________________ ____________________________________
Gretchen Kinney Newsom, President Kelley Kiesling, Legislative Vice President

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Resolution Supporting the Preservation of the Campus Recycling Program

Resolution Supporting the Preservation of the Humboldt State University Plant Operations Physical Recycling Collection Program

Adopted May 3, 2004

Whereas: The Mission Statement of the Associated Students of Humboldt State University states that they "[shall be] an official voice through which students' opinions may be expressed; foster awareness of these opinions both on and off campus; provide services and programs as deemed necessary by the corporation to meet the needs of the student and campus community; and to stimulate the educational, social, physical, and cultural well-being of the University community;" and,

Whereas: Humboldt State and the Associated Students has had a long history of advocating environmental and sustainable responsibility; and

Whereas: The HSU Strategic Plan states that its vision for the future is to "provide a socially and environmentally responsible education"; and,

Whereas: HSU has repeatedly stated its commitment to a sustainable campus and the reduction, reuse, and recycling of natural resource-based products; and

Whereas: HSU is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges as being "environmentally and socially responsible"; and,

Whereas: The Associated Students realizes that to maintain our environmental responsibilities, we need to continue to minimize the environmental impact of our use of natural resources; and,

Whereas: The Campus Recycling Program (CRP), was established in 1974, it began the collection of aluminum cans in 1987, and became a successful Associated Students funded program in 1989; and,

Whereas: The responsibility for collecting recyclables for the program was handed over to University Plant Operations in 2001 so that the AS program could focus upon composting and education, and will be eliminated on campus beginning July 1st, 2004 due to budget cuts; and,

Whereas: The environmental impacts of the closure Plant Operations Physical Recycling Collections
Program would be detrimental to the Earth, conflicts with HSU's position as an environmental leader, and negatively impacts the distinction of HSU graduates from other universities; and,

Whereas: State Assembly Bill 75 of 1999 requires that each State agency or large State facility
(State universities, community colleges, prisons, etcäó¢íó_äó¢íó__) to develop an integrated waste management plan by July 1, 2000; to divert at least 25 percent of its solid waste from landfills or transformation facilities by January 1, 2002; and to divert 50 percent by January 1, 2004; and,

Whereas: In 1998, HSU became one of the first institutions in the country to achieve a 50% waste diversion rate due to the efforts of the Campus Recycling Program and the Plant Operations Physical Recycling Collections Program, six years before the mandate 50% reduction; and,

Whereas: The elimination of the Plant Operations Recycling Collections Program would put HSU in noncompliance of AB 75, which is a mandated State law; which would require HSU, "a State agency if unable to comply with the requirements, shall notify the State Integrated Waste Management Board in writing, detailing the reasons for its inability to comply and shall request an alternative pursuant to äó¢íó_äó¢íó_ 42922 or an extension pursuant to äó¢íó_äó¢íó_ 42923 of AB 75"; and,

Whereas: The City of Arcata must also meet a 50% waste reduction goal under AB 939, of which HSU is a factor in the municipality's overall percentage; Arcata could be penalized a fine of up to $10,000 a day for the University's noncompliance; and,

Whereas: Such an action could potentially be detrimental to the relationship between HSU and the City of Arcata; therefore be it,

Resolved: That the Associated Students recognize recycling as a fundamental responsibility of HSU
Administration and demand that HSU Administration continue funding Plant Operations
Physical Recycling Collections at its current level and follow the letter of the law; and be it further,

Resolved: That copies of this resolution will be sent to, but not limited to, CSU Chancellor Charles Reed, HSU President Rollin Richmond, the Campus Recycling Program, Plant Operations, HSU Director of Physical Services, State Senator Wes Chesbro, State Assemblywoman Patty Berg, the State Integrated Waste Management Board, the City of Arcata, and the Lumberjack.

Authored by Joshua Allen & Dusty Duley
Associated Students College of Natural Resources & Sciences Representatives

_____________________________________________ _______________________________________
Christopher Cook, Representative Randy Mishler, Representative
College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences

_____________________________________________ _______________________________________
Gretchen Kinney Newsom, President Kelley Kiesling, Legislative Vice-President

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Approved 9/27/04

WHEREAS, Humboldt State University and the College of the Redwoods
share the responsibilities for higher education in Humboldt
County, and

WHEREAS, The two institutions depend on one another, sharing a great
number of students, faculty and resources, and

WHEREAS, College of the Redwoods is committed to offering a high-quality
core curriculum that will satisfy the lower-division general
education requirements for transfer to four-year colleges and
universities, and

WHEREAS, College of the Redwoods is also committed to offer rigorous,
high-quality educational programs leading to the Associate in
Arts or Associate in Science Degree, Certificates of Achievement,
or Certificates of Completion, and

WHEREAS, College of the Redwoods is further committed to provide high-
quality professional and technical programs that will allow
students to obtain skills necessary to enter or advance in the
workforce or to be better prepared for further education, and

WHEREAS, These programs will be continuously articulated with the private
and public sectors and with other institutions of higher education,

WHEREAS, College of the Redwoods is in need of funding for the
renovation of lab and classroom facilities to strengthen its
academic and vocational training programs, and

WHEREAS, Eleven specific projects have been identified in Measure Q and
include adding classrooms and tech labs, renovating unsafe and
deteriorating buildings, and repairing, constructing, furnishing and
equipping facilities, and

WHEREAS, Measure Q will authorize the Redwoods Community
College District to issue and sell bonds up to the maximum
of $40,320,000 to accomplish these projects; therefore be it

RESOLVED, The Associated Students of Humboldt State University fully
support Measure Q, College of The Redwoods School Bond;
therefore be it further

RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution be sent, but not limited to:
HSU President Rollin Richmond, College of the Redwoods
President, Casey Crabill, the HSU Academic Senate, The
California State Student Association, the Lumberjack
Newspaper, and local media.

Authored by Cole Newton and Michelle Woo
HSU Associated Students
College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Representatives

_______________________________ ________________________________
Cole Newton, Representative Michelle Woo, Representative
College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences

______________________________________ _______________________________________
Kyle Zeck Samantha Williams-Gray
Legislative Vice President President

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Approved 9/27/04

WHEREAS, The Associated Students is the official recognized voice of the
students at Humboldt State University; and

WHEREAS, The 1998 Higher Education Act requires that institutions of
higher education "make a good faith effort to distribute a mail
voter registration form, requested, and received from the State, to
each student enrolled in a degree or certificate program and
physically in attendance at the institution, and to make such forms
widely available to student at the institution;" and

WHEREAS, President Richmond has signed on to support all efforts to
increase student turnout at the polls; and

WHEREAS, The Associated Students is committed to working on the
institutionalization of voter registration within the University
in order to allow Associated Students to better focus on
educating student voters, in a non-partisan manner, and
turning them out to vote with a more educated understanding
of the issues; and

WHEREAS, The mission of the California State University (CSU) is "To
prepare significant numbers of educated, responsible people to
contribute to California' schools, economy, culture, and future; to
prepare students for an international, multi-cultural society; and to
provide public services that enrich the university and its
communities;" and

WHEREAS, Less than half of eligible citizens between the ages of 18-24 voted
in the 2000 Presidential Election, compared with 70% of older
citizens; and

WHEREAS, An engaged citizenry is essential to the success of the democratic
process in the City of Arcata, the County of Humboldt, the State of
California, and The United States; and

WHEREAS, The Associated Students recognizes the impact and influence that
HSU Faculty members have on their students and that
collaboration between students, faculty, staff and administration,
is essential to a significantly important to a successful voter
registration drive; therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the Academic Senate of Humboldt State University, in
conjunction with the Associated Students, and President
Rollin Richmond, ask all faculty members to promote
civic engagement by annually allotting ten minutes of
classroom time during the first week of class to promote non-
partisan voter registration for all students; therefore be it further

RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution be sent, but not limited to:
HSU President Rollin Richmond, the HSU Academic Senate,
The California State Student Association, the California
Faculty Association, the Lumberjack Newspaper, and the local

Authored by:

Manuel Fonseca, Representative
California State Student Association

_______________________________________ _______________________________________
Michelle Woo, Representative Kyle Brossard, Representative
College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences College of Natural Resources & Sciences

_______________________________________ _______________________________________
Kyle Zeck Samantha Williams-Gray
Legislative Vice President President

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Resolution supporting Car Free Day


Approved 09/08/03

Whereas, The Mission Statement of the Associated Students of Humboldt State University states that "The Associated Studentsäó¢íó_äó¢íó__[shall] provide an
official voice through which students' opinions may be expressed; and to stimulate the educational, social, physical, and cultural well-being of the University community;" and

Whereas, The Associated Students of Humboldt State University supports and values environmental responsibility that generates ecological vitality and a common respect for our integral connection to natural resource consumption, utilization and potential depletion, and

Whereas, The Associated Students of Humboldt State University upholds a commitment to commend and partake in acts of environmental activism that educate the community on issues of pollution, alternative means of living,, and the wise use of natural resources, and

Whereas, The 1st Annual HSU Car-Free Day is an event dedicated to educating the campus community on alternative transportation while stressing the hazards of over-reliance upon fossil fuels and the correlating damage that Carbon Dioxide yields upon the Earthäó¢íó_í_Œés atmosphere, and

Whereas, The HSU Car-Free Day advocates awareness of environmental issues and mobilizes people to actively confront one's impact on the environment by way of fun and interactive education, and

Whereas, The 2003 HSU Car-Free Day will be held on September 22, 2003.
Therefore be it

Resolved, The Associated Students of Humboldt State University officially supports and commends the actions of HSU Car-Free Day, and the HSU students, faculty, staff and administrators who have taken it upon themselves to organize and facilitate this event, specifically the HSU Alternative Transportation Club and HSU Parking Services; be it further

Resolved, The Associated Students of Humboldt State University encourages active participation in this event amongst our students, staff, and faculty; participation includes utilizing an alternative means of transportation than that of an automobile for the duration of September 22, 2003; said means of alternative transportation can include, but is not limited to, walking, bicycling, skateboarding, taking the bus, or carpooling; be it further
Resolved, That the Associated Students of Humboldt State University recommend that this event take place within a campus parking lot to accentuate the actualization of our commitment to äó¢íó_äó¢íó_äó¢íó_Strive not to Driveäó¢íó_í_Œ, (this recommendation holds true as long as the event organizers provide ample notice to the campus community that the specific parking lot will not be available for the duration of September 22, 2003.)

Resolved, That copies of this resolution be sent, but not limited to, HSU President Rollin Richmond, Vice-President of Student Affairs Dr. Steven Butler, Academic Provost Richard Vrem, HSU Department chairs, the HSU Academic Senate, HSU Alternative Transportation Club, HSU's Campus Recycling Center, the Campus Center for Appropriate Technology, the HSU Parking and Transportation Committee, HSU Parking and Transportation Services, the California State Student Association, the City of Arcata, the HSU Lumberjack, and the local media.

Authored by: Gretchen Kinney, A.S. President

__________________________________ ______________________________
Christopher Cook, College Representative Dusty Duley, College Representative
Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences Natural Resources & Sciences

__________________________________ ______________________________
Kelley Kiesling Gretchen Kinney
Legislative Vice President President

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Approved 10/25/04

Whereas, California's Three Strikes Law currently fails to set reasonable parameters
for what qualifies as a second and third strike; and

Whereas, 65% of inmates serving second and third strike sentences were convicted
of non-violent, non-serious offenses, some serving life sentences for
burglary of unoccupied homes, recreational drug use, and shoplifting; and

Whereas, The discretion currently given to prosecutors to seek second and third
strikes on non-violent offenses results in arbitrary and unjust sentences;

Whereas, The three strikes law is applied disproportionately to communities of color
and poverty. Currently, 71% of three strikers are African American or
Latino. Caucasian offenders are far less likely to receive strikes for both
non-violent and violent crimes; and

Whereas, The three strikes law supports the rapidly growing Prison Industrial
Complex in the State of California, and

Whereas, California has been dealing with severe budget deficits resulting in over
3/4 billion dollars being reduced from the CSU General Fund allocation
over the past three years; and

Whereas, Our State spends 5.6 billion dollars annually on incarceration and only
4.3 billion on higher education; and

Whereas, CSU students have suffered fee increases, while the prison industry has
seen their budgets increase; and

Whereas, Proposition 66 "Limitation on "Three Strikes Law" Sex Crimes
Punishment Initiative Statute", seeks to require that increased sentences
under the three strikes law only apply in the case of violent and serious felonies, and

Whereas, Proposition 66 redefines violent and serious felonies for the purpose of the
three strikes statute so that only the most violent and heinous crimes are
considered for strikes; and

Whereas, Proposition 66 ensures the safety of our communities by increasing the
mandatory sentences for child molestation; and

Whereas, Preliminary fiscal analysis has revealed Proposition 66 will generate
hundreds of millions of dollars annually in savings to the State of
California, and

Whereas, These savings could be funneled into higher education and college
preparation programs; therefore be it

Resolved, That The Associated Students formally endorse Proposition 66 and it will
hereby incorporate education on Proposition 66 and the Prison Industrial
Complex into our Get Out The Vote efforts; therefore be it further

Resolved, That copies of this Resolution be sent, but not limited to HSU President
Rollin Richmond, the HSU Academic Senate, the California State
Student Association, the Lumberjack Newspaper, and the local media.

Authored by:

Manuel Fonseca, Representative
California State Student Association

Approved by:

Kyle Zeck,
A.S. Legislative Vice President

Samantha Williams-Gray
A.S. President

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