A.S. Graduate Pledge Alliance
To plan programs, events, and workshops that seek to educate, create community, and foster dialogue revolving around the theme of sustainability specifically related to issues of social and environmental justice.
- A.S. Student Affairs Vice President
- 1 staff member; selected by committee
- A.S. Social Justice & Equity Officer
- A.S. Environmental Sustainability Officer
- A.S. Student Affairs Vice President
- WRRAP Student Representative
- CCAT Student Representative
- Representative from ITEPP
- Representative from El Centro
- Representative from the Umoja Center for Pan African Student Excellence
- Student(s) of the Association
Appointment: The Program recommends a member to apply, the A.S. Student Affairs Vice President interviews and can recommend appointment. The Cultural Center recommends a member to apply, the A.S. Student Affairs Vice President interviews and can recommend appointment
Every two (2) weeks (fall semester), every two (2) week (spring semester) or as needed.