A.S. Sub-Committee on External Affairs

BEAST Chess GroupCharge:

To lobby on behalf of the students at Humboldt, develop relationships with elected officials who represent Humboldt students, and increase participation in elections through voter registration and education initiatives.

Join Zoom Meeting TBD
Meeting ID: TBD

Chair: External Affair Representative


  • 3 students appointed by A.S. President
  • 1 student appointed by A.S. Legislative Vice President
  • 1 student appointed by A.S. Student Affairs Vice President
  • 1 student appointed by A.S. Administrative Vice President



Committee Head: 
  • Vacant, A.S. External Affairs Representative - TBD
Committee Advisor: 


Committee Members: 
  • Vacant, 1 student appointed by A.S. President
  • Vacant1 student appointed by A.S. President 
  • Vacant1 student appointed by A.S. President 
  • Vacant1 student appointed by A.S. Legislative Vice President
  • Vacant1 student appointed by A.S. Student Affairs Vice President
  • Vacant1 student appointed by A.S. Administrative Vice President
Vacancy Number: