Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Grant Committee

Formerly Diversity Program Funding Committee

The Diversity & Equity Grant Committee invites Humboldt students, Humboldt student organizations, Humboldt staff, Humboldt faculty, and Humboldt underrepresented faculty to submit proposals for programs offered on campus to the university community that raise awareness, deepen understanding, and/or engage the campus community in dialogue about one or more of the multiple dimensions of diversity and equity. Such dimensions of diversity may include – but are not limited to – culture, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and ability. Proposals intended to increase the participation and retention of historically underrepresented students, staff, and faculty in the campus community will be prioritzed.

Allocations for Humboldt Diversity & Equity Awards typically will be awarded as follows:

  1. Diverse faculty (Diversity is the range of human differences, including but not limited to race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, social class, physical ability or attributes, religious or ethical values system, national origin, and political beliefs): 5 awards each at $5,000 (Programs and/or Research)
  2. Staff: 3 awards each at $5,000
  3. Students: 5 awards each at $1,000

Program expenses typically funded include speaker fees, travel for visiting speakers, event publicity and marketing, various expenses associated with individual activities/programs (from facility rental to printing event handouts), and many, many more. For a list of expenses/activities that the committee cannot fund, please visit the Guidelines page.

See Current & Previous Grants Awarded

Committee Membership:
  • 1 student appointed by the A.S. President
  • 1 Student Affairs representative appointed by the A.S. Student Affairs Vice President
  • College Dean, appointed by the Provost
  • Director of Institutional Research and Planning
  • 1 faculty representative, appointed by the Appointment and Elections Committee (2-year term)
  • 2 representatives from the Diversity and Inclusion Student Success Collaborative


Meets for a few meetings only in the Spring

Committee Head: 
  • Vacant - Interim Executive Director of Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion 
Committee Members: 

1 student appointed by the A.S. President

  • Vacant, 1 Student Affairs representative appointed by the A.S. Student Affairs Vice President
  • Vacant, College Dean, appointed by the Provost
  • Vacant, Director of Institutional Research and Planning
  • Vacant,1 faculty representative, appointed by the Appointment and Elections Committee (2-year term)
  • Vacant, 1 representatives from the Diversity and Inclusion Student Success Collaborative
  • Vacant, 1 representatives from the Diversity and Inclusion Student Success Collaborative
Vacancy Number: