Appointments and Elections Committee [AEC]

Charge: Solicit and forward nominations to the Senate for members and chairs of Senate and Senate appointed university committees; and other duties as outlined in Section 2.6, Bylaws and Rules of Procedure of University Senate.

Chair: Appointed by the university senate


  • Chair, University Senate/President, General Faculty (Ex-Officio)
  • Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs (Ex-Officio)
  • 2 Faculty members
  • 1 Staff member
  • 1 Student appointed by A.S. Legislative Vice President
  • Committee members shall be affirmed by vote of the Senate. The term of office shall be for one year and begins at the first meeting following the seating of the Senate of the term in which they serve.


Weekly, or as needed

Committee Head: 
Committee Members: 


Vacancy Number: