Resolutions, Legislation & Proclamations

Resolutions are statements of position on a particular issue by the Associated Students Board, acting as representatives of the students of Cal Poly Humboldt. The resolutions are listed by the date on which they were passed.


Optical Scanning Web Eval Memo


DATE: November 13, 2003

TO: HSU Provost's Council

FROM: Gretchen Newsom for

The Associated Students

SUBJECT: Review and Commentary on Optical Scanning of Course
Evaluations and Grade Reports

On behalf of the Associated Students Council, I wish to convey that the Associated Students is supportive of the recommendations within the report on the Future of Optical Scanning of Course Evaluations and Grade Reports. The switch to online course evaluations yields many positive aspects including, but not limited to, saving money, reducing our environmental impact by decreasing paper usage, and increasing accessibility to course evaluations. The concept of online course evaluations does generate some negative aspects as outlined in the recommendations from the ad-hoc committee. However, after carefully considering this matter we are affirmed in our belief that grade reporting and course/instructor evaluations should be conducted online.

Associated Students strongly opposes a coercive approach in yielding a fair sample of online faculty/course evaluations. We acknowledge that in order to convince students of the importance of RTP evaluations, an education campaign must be conducted. We will actively support this campaign if the online faculty evaluations are combined with the Associated Students Webevals via the optional dual survey instrument.

The A.S. WebEval system is meant to aid students in the selection of classes by providing a means to see the opinions of fellow students concerning our faculty, including but not limited to teaching style, subject matter, grading, etc. This program was implemented two years ago, and has generated over 1600 anonymous evaluations. Of the 1600 evaluations, only one was censored due to unsavory commentary. The majority of comments are positive in nature, but in order to protect the interest of faculty members while also serving the greater needs of students, we have closed the viewing of these evaluations from beyond the immediate campus. We feel that this is a successful forum for student commentary on our education while also providing an important tool for our academic pathway. For questions or concerns about the Associated Students Webevals program, please contact me or visit

Furthermore, the Associated Students feels that students should not be presented with a list of outstanding on-line course evaluations as part of the registration process. This action seems to be counter to the effort of yielding a fair and accurate evaluation. However, we are supportive offering a reminder during the registration process of the importance of these evaluations. We are also in strong agreement that questions within the course evaluations should have uniformity within the college, or at the very least by each department. The scale of evaluation should be uniform throughout the entire University.

I encourage your consideration and support of the above requests and recommendations. I would be pleased to discuss this matter with you in detail and answer any questions. Thank you for your consideration.

cc: President Rollin Richmond
Provost, Rick Vrem
Vice President of Student Affairs, Steven Butler

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DATE: November 8, 2004

TO: Dr. Rollin C. Richmond
HSU President

FROM: Samantha Williams-Gray
Associated Students President

SUBJECT: Campus Smoking Policy

On behalf of the Associated Students Council, I wish to convey the following views on the new HSU Smoking Policy. Considering that most of the recommendations that were made in the "Resolution Regarding the Revised HSU Campus Smoking Policy," adopted in the spring semester of 2003, have been met, the Associated Students Council is satisfied with the new Smoking Policy.

The Associated Students recognize that it is impossible to create a Smoking Policy that will ensure that all people on campus will be content. However, the Associated Students feel that the process for identifying designated smoking areas would have been better served with a greater and more diverse representation, including but not limited to people with disabilities, smokers and a larger sampling of students. The Associated Students feel that because the new Smoking Policy is entirely contingent upon community enforcement, the majority of which will be students, we should have been given more of a voice in the process. The Associated Students also believe that it is necessary to provide covered shelters in the designated smoking areas, which we feel will help with enforcement.

cc: Academic Senate
Dr. Steven Butler, Student Affairs Vice President

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Resolution Transgender Day


Adopted 11/03/03

Whereas, The Mission Statement of the Associated Students of Humboldt State
University states that "The Associated Students…[shall] assist in the
protection of the rights and interests of the individual student and the
student body; provide services and programs as deemed necessary by the
corporation to meet the needs of the student and campus community; and
to stimulate the educational, social physical, and cultural well-being of
the University community," and

Whereas, The Associated Students of Humboldt State University supports and
values diversity (which is not limited to different ethnicities and cultures,
but also includes gender and sexual orientation) and upholds a
commitment to commend and partake in acts of social justice that
educate the community on issues of diversity, and

Whereas, November 20th 2003 is the the Fith annual Transgender Day of
Remembrance, a day commemorated world wide to remember those that
were killed because of bias towards transgender people, and

Whereas, Over the last decade, more than one person per month has died due to
transgender-based hate or prejudice; this trend shows no sign of abating,
and (www.remembering our

Whereas, This year we remember over 20 individual killed because of anti-
transgender hatred in the USA and over 30 people worldwide, and

Whereas, Humboldt State University has not been immune to anti-transgender
prejudice as anti-transgender hate crimes are reported to law enforcement
and recorded with the state autourney general's office in recent years, and

Whereas, The Transgender Day of Remembrance serves several university
community members and raises public awareness of hate crimes against
transgendered people, and

Whereas, Compassion and respect for transgender people is promoted through a
vigil and other events and, the Day of Remembrance reminds non-
transgendered epople that transgender people are sons, daughters,
parents, friends and lovers, and

Whereas, The Day of Remembrance gives community members a chance to step
forward with transgender people and stand in vigil, memorializing those
who have died by anti-transgender violence. Therefore, be it

Resolved, November 20, 2003 be the Transgender Day of Remembrance at
Humboldt State University, and be it

Resolved, The Associated Students of Humboldt State University encourages
active participation in this event amongst our students, staff ad faculty;
participation includes attending events, workshops, trainings, movie
screenings, and/or the Day of Remembrance Vigil on November 20,
2003; be it further

Resolved, That copies of this resolution be sent, but not limited to, HSU
President Rollin Richmond, Vice President of Student Affairs,
Steven Butler, Academic Provost Richard Vrem, HSU Department chairs,
The HSU Academic Senate, HSU's MultiCultural Center, the California
State Student Association, the HSU Lumberjack, and the local media.

Authored by:
Anne Serene and Gretchen Kinney Newsom

___________________________________ __________________________________

Original signatures on file at The Associated Students

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Adopted 11/08/04

Whereas, Humboldt State University has long been renowned for its commitment
to excellence in undergraduate education;

Whereas, The number one goal of the Academic Excellence chapter of the Strategic
Plan seeks to amend Appendix J of the Faculty Handbook to place faculty
research efforts as the number one criteria for promotion;

Whereas, Compulsory faculty research efforts may weaken the quality of education,
as tenure-track faculty may increasingly be replaced with part-time

Whereas, Both students and faculty come to Humboldt State for its quality
classroom environment; therefore be it

Resolved, That the Associated Students of Humboldt State voice its concern towards
elements of the Strategic Plan which have the potential to erode the quality
of education at the undergraduate level; and be it further;

Resolved, That the Associated Students commends both faculty members who are
able to successfully conduct research under the current system of
promotion, as well as all members of the faculty, whose dedication to the
education of their students cannot be easily matched at most universities;
and be it further

Resolved, That the Associated Students of Humboldt State asks both the Academic
Senate, as well as HSU President Rollin Richmond to renew this
Universityäó¢íó_í_Œés commitment to excellence in undergraduate classroom
education; and be it further

Resolved, That copies of this resolution be distributed, but not limited to: CSU
Chancellor Charles Reed, HSU President Rollin Richmond, Provost
Richard Vrem, the six University Deans, the HSU Academic Senate,
Dr. Steven Carlson, Chair of the Strategic Planning Committee, William
Wood, Chair of the HSU Faculty Personnel Committee, the California
State Student Association, Associated Students of the College of the
Redwoods, the Lumberjack newspaper, and other local media.

Authored by:

Kyle Brossard, Representative
College of Natural Resources and Sciences

Kyle Zeck
Legislative Vice President


Samantha Williams-Gray

Kyle Zeck

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Resolution Regarding the Revised HSU Campus Smoking Policy

Resolution Regarding the Revised HSU Campus Smoking Policy

Adopted 10/06/03

WHEREAS: The general student election of Spring 2003 yielded the
following results concerning the ballot question on the
campus smoking policy (students were asked to select the
policy that they most supported):

Should HSU maintain present policy of no smoking
within 15 feet of all campus buildings?
YES 357 39%

Should HSU ban smoking entirely?
YES 312 34%

Should HSU only allow smoking in certain
designated areas?
YES 244 27%

WHEREAS: The Spring 2003 ballot question concerning the campus
smoking policy did not yield a declared majority preference
for any of the proposed policies,

WHEREAS: The Associated Students of Humboldt State University have
extensively facilitated discussion between a variety of
students to vainly attempt to bring consensus on the smoking

WHEREAS: Governor Davis signed into effect Assembly Bill 846 which
prohibits smoking within 20 feet of all public buildings,
including CSU campus buildings, and therefore be it

RESOLVED: The Associated Students of Humboldt State University
recommend a revised campus smoking policy that
incorporates the 20 foot restriction as specified within AB
846, but encourages (not necessitates) smoking to occur in
designated smoking areas across campus, and furthermore,
be it

RESOLVED: That the location of designated smoking areas not be located
within any campus parking lot, and that the actual location
of these designated smoking areas will come as a result from
collaboration between the Department of HSU Physical
Services, students, faculty and staff, with specific emphasis
on the desired conduction of a campus walk through, and
furthermore, be it

RESOLVED: The Associated Students of Humboldt State University,
encourage a thorough evaluation of enforcement practices
concerning the campus smoking policy with a prioritized
emphasis on community enforcement and respect rather than
official police enforcement; and furthermore, be it

RESOLVED: That copies of the results of this ballot question will be sent
to, but not limited to, President Rollin Richmond, the
Academic Provost, Dr. Steven Butler, Vice-President of
Student Affairs, the Academic Senate, the California State
Student Association, the Alcohol & Other Drug Abuse
Prevention Committee, the Student Health Center, the
Lumberjack and the local media.

Authored by: Gretchen Kinney

Original signatures on file at the Associated Students' Office

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Adopted 11/08/04

Whereas, Humboldt State University Division of Student Affairs is committed
to the academic and personal well being of the students and,

Whereas, The current mission statement of the Division of Student Affairs states,
"Student Affairs facilitates academic success and personal development
by promoting leadership and providing services and programs for students
and the University community" and;

Whereas, The HSU Alcohol and Drug Policy states, "The faculty, staff, and
administration of Humboldt State University are dedicated to creating
an environment that allows students to achieve their educational goals.
Humboldt State University believes that an awareness through education
is necessary to promote a healthy lifestyle on campus" and;

Whereas, President Richmond stated in his fall 2004 convocation address,
"I ask that every faculty member and every staff member help to educate
students about the consequences of drug use, and that they make a point
of discussing drug use in their classes" and;

Whereas, According to the Student Affairs Annual Judicial Report 2003-2004,
214 students were referred to the Student Affairs Vice Presidentäó¢íó_í_Œés
Office for alcohol and/or drug offenses and;

Whereas, Approximately 65% of those students were freshmen living in the
Residence Halls and;

Whereas, The University Budget Committee recently allocated in the 2004-2005
budget an additional $62,000 towards Alcohol and other Drug Education
Programs as a one time allocation and;

Whereas, The majority of this funding went toward sanctioning of students who
have already been found in violation the HSU Drug and Alcohol Policy
and not toward education efforts;

Whereas, It would benefit the HSU community to expand this allocation as continuous funding for subsequent years so that the Division of Student Affairs may hire a full time Alcohol and other Drug Education Program Coordinator to facilitate student education and student counseling and therefore be it;

Resolved, that the Associated Students of Humboldt State University encourage and support the allocation of continuous funding by the University Budget Committee for the sole purpose of hiring an Alcohol and Drug Education
Program Coordinator by the Division of Student Affairs and further be it,

Resolved, This resolution shall be sent, but not limited to, President Rollin
Richmond, Provost,Vice President for Academic Affairs and Chair
of the University Budget Committee Richard Vrem, Chair of the HSU
Academic Senate and Co-Chair University Budget Committee, Ken
Fulgham, Vice President Steven Butler, Director of the Student Health
Center Dr. Rebecca Stauffer, Director of Humboldt State University
Residence Halls John Capaccio, Chief of University Police Tom Dewey
and members of the local media.

Authored by:

Nicole Alvarado
Student Affairs Vice President

Approved by:

Samantha Williams-Gray

Kyle Zeck
Legislative Vice President

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Resolution Ballot Initiative Smoking Policy

Resolution for Ballot Initiative Regarding
The HSU Campus Smoking Policy

Adopted 4/7/03

WHEREAS: The general student election is forthcoming on the 22nd,
23rd, and 24th of April, 2003; and,

WHEREAS: The Associated Students of Humboldt State University
believe students have a right to a democratic process
which allows us to make decisions about issues that
govern our lives,

WHEREAS: The CSU Board of Trustees have issued a decree giving
each campus president the ability to revise the campus
smoking policy; and,

WHEREAS: In accordance with the A.S. Resolution Regarding the
Smoking Policy (adopted October 7th), the Associated
Students of Humboldt State University has
collaborated with the Alcohol and Other Drug
Prevention Committee, and conducted two A.S.
Symposiums on the campus smoking policy to gather
insight and perspective on possible alternatives to the
current smoking policy; and therefore be it

RESOLVED: That the following question be placed on the Student
General Election Ballot for the election taking place on
the 22d, 23rd, and 24th of April, 2003:

1) Which HSU Smoking Policy option do you most
äó¢íó_äó¢íó_ Designated smoking areas
(no transitory smoking)
äó¢íó_äó¢íó_ Ban smoking on campus
and furthermore, be it

RESOLVED: The Associated Students of Humboldt State University,
ask that the issue of enforcing the smoking policy be
brought before the Associated Students Council, the
Academic Senate, and the Alcohol and Other Drug
Abuse Prevention Committee, in collaboration with
the University Police Department; and furthermore,
be it

RESOLVED: That the Associated Students of Humboldt State
University recommend that the HSU Department of
Housing formulate their own policy with guided
consultation of Residence Halls Association, be it

RESOLVED: That copies of the results of this ballot question will be
sent to, but not limited to, President Rollin Richmond,
the Academic Provost, Dr. Steven Butler,
Vice-President of Student Affairs, the Academic
Senate, the California State Student Association,
the Alcohol & Other Drug Abuse Prevention
Committee, the Student Health Center, the
Lumberjack and the local media.

Authored by: Gretchen Kinney & Manolo Platin

Original signatures on file with the Associated Students' Office.

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Resolution in Opposition to Student-Fee Increases



WHEREAS: Governor Davis has recommended a $59.6 million dollar reduction
from the California State University (CSU) Budget; and

WHEREAS: The CSU Chancellor's Office has recommended to the CSU Board
of Trustees that state university fees be increased by a minimum 10%
for undergraduate students and a minimum of 15% for graduate
students for Spring 2003; and

WHEREAS: The current CSU Board of Trustees is considering the recommended
increase, which it previously committed to opposing, during special
session on Monday, December 16, 2002; and

WHEREAS: Governor Davis has stated, "And I know that every time we raise
fees, we freeze our students, we deny them the opportunity for
an unparalleled education" (October 25, 2002); and

WHEREAS: A fee increase will increase barriers to education, a point of
paramount importance in the CSU mission ("To encourage and
provide access to an excellent education to all who are prepared
for and wish to participate in college study"); and

WHEREAS: Humboldt State University students will have already paid their
Spring 2003 fees and will then be retroactively billed an additional
$72 dollars for undergraduates and $114 for graduate students; and

WHEREAS: The impact of retroactive billing will cause additional strain on the
University's already limited resources and will be costly as well; and

WHEREAS: 61% of the HSU student population receives financial aid, an
increase in the State University Fee will tax the students' already
limited financial resources; and

WHEREAS: An increase in State University Fees will decrease the diversity
of HSU student population; therefore be it

RESOLVED: The Associated Students of Humboldt State University oppose
the proposed State University Fee increase for Spring 2003; and
therefore be it further

RESOLVED: That the Associated Students encourages HSU students to lobby
against the fee increase via communication with legislators and
the CSU Board of Trustees; and therefore be it

RESOLVED: That copies of this resolution be sent, but not limited to
HSU President Rollin Richmond, HSU Academic Senate,
California State Student Association, the CSU Board of Trustees,
and CSU Chancellor Charles Reed.

Adopted from Sonoma State University ASI Board of Directors Resolution of 12/02.

Submitted by: David Risenfeld

Original signatures on file at the Associated Students' Office.

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HSU Energy Independance Fund Memorandum

-M E M O R A N D U M-

DATE: April 30, 2003

TO: Robert C. Schulz, AIA
Director, Physical Services

FROM: Gretchen Kinney
President, Associated Students

SUBJECT: HSU Energy Independence Fund

On behalf of the Associated Students Council, I wish to convey that the
Associated Students is supportive of the HSU Energy Independence Fund.
The concept of the HSU Energy Independence Fund initiated a student fee
of $10 per an academic semester to generate funding for renewable energy
and energy conservation methods which would allow HSU to become
energy independent via conservation and alternative generation, because
the State does not necessarily support the economics of these projects.

The Associated Students feels that the HSU Energy Independence Fund will
further our campus' reputation as being a leader of sustainable development
with dedication to environmentally conscious actions. However, the
Associated Students is extremely aware that students, who are already
burdened by alternative fee increases, will pay these fees. Accordingly,
we are supportive of a formal student body referendum concerning the
approval of the HSU Energy Independence Fund to take place in Fall 2003.

We hereby recognize that in addition to the student fee component, the
HSU administration would contribute to the fund, net energy savings that
result from projects implemented by the Energy Independence Fund.
Student Fees will not be used in lieu of economically defensible energy
savings projects that can be funded from State sources. Furthermore,
we recognize that a student majority board will control the HSU Energy
Independence Fund. The Associated Students is receptive and supportive
of the HSU Energy Independence Fund going to a student vote in the fall.

Copy: President Rollin Richmond
Vice President Carl Coffey
Michael Winkler
HSU Sustainable Campus Task Force/Club

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Resolution Supporting the Preservation of the Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) at HSU


Approved January 26, 2004

Whereas, the Associated Students (AS) is the official voice of the students of Humboldt State University; and,

Whereas, the Mission of the Associated Students of Humboldt State University is to "assist in the protection of the rights and interests of the individual student and the student body" and,

Whereas, EOP serves more than 600 actively enrolled low-income and educationally disadvantaged Humboldt State University students any given semester; and,

Whereas, EOP's advising unit provides more than 4,000 sessions per year for academic, personal, financial aid and career advising; and,

Whereas, EOP at Humboldt State University admits and enrolls more than 225 new low-income, educationally disadvantaged students and awards a total of $239,000 each year in grant awards for financially eligible students, and

Whereas, each year approximately 60 EOP students graduate from Humboldt State University; and,

Whereas, EOP has already undergone budget reductions that caused its Summer Bridge Program to be reduced by 15% of students admitted; and,

Whereas, The California State Student Association (CSSA) has taken a position opposing Governor Schwarzenegger's mid-year reduction to the CSU 2003-2004 budget by an additional $23.8 million dollars"including $12.5 million dollars to eliminate State Outreach funding; therefore, be it

Resolved, that the Associated Students of Humboldt State University officially oppose Governor Schwarzenegger's proposed 2004-2005 budget that eliminates funding for Outreach Programs, including EOP in the California State University; and be it further

Resolved, that the Associated Students of Humboldt State University stand in solidarity with other entities on the HSU campus that support the preservation of the Educational Opportunity Program (EOP); and be it further

Resolved, that the Associated Students of Humboldt State University dedicate resources for a campaign to preserve EOP at Humboldt State University; and be it finally

Resolved, that copies of this Resolution be sent, but not limited to, HSU President Rollin Richmond, HSU Vice-President of Student Affairs, Steven Butler, the HSU Academic Senate, the California Faculty Association, the Academic Senate of the CSU, the California State Student Association, CSU Chancellor Charles Reed, The CSU Board of Trustees, Governor Schwarzenegger, The California State Senate, The California State Assembly, the HSU Alumni Association, and the HSU Educational Opportunity Program

Authored by:
Manolo Platin, HSU Representative
California State Student Association

___________________________________ _______________________________
Dusty Duley, Representative Joshua Allen, Representative
College of Natural Resources & Sciences College of Natural Resources & Science

Original signatures on file at the Associated Students' Office

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Resolution in Support of the campus wide forum on April 9th, as well as the organizing efforts of fa

Resolution in Support of the Campus Wide Forum on April 9th, as well as the organizing efforts of faculty, staff, and students of color on campus.

Adopted 4/5/04

Whereas: The Mission Statement of the Associated Students of Humboldt State
University states that " The Associated Students…[shall] assist in the protection of the rights and interests of the individual student and the student body; provide services and programs as deemed necessary by the corporation to meet the needs of the student and campus community; and to stimulate the educational, social physical, and cultural well-being of the University community;" and,

Whereas: The Associated Students of Humboldt State University support and value diversity and uphold a commitment to commend and partake in acts of social justice that educate the community on issues of diversity; and,

Whereas: The students of Humboldt State University recognizes that the recent campus climate surrounding race represents an increase in the institutionalized covert and aversive racism that perpetuates a hostile environment on campus for students, faculty, and staff of color; therefore be it,

Resolved: That on April 9 2004 at 4 pm in the Kate Buchanan Room, a Campus Wide Forum will be held as a day to address the historical pattern of the criminalization, sensationalized media representations, and safety of students of color on campus, and be it further,

Resolved: That the Associated Students strongly urge students, faculty, and staff attend this forum to pontificate the actualization of our commitment to students of color and their safety on Humboldt State University's campus, be it further,

Resolved: That this resolution will be sent to the following but not limited to these persons/organizations; Multicultural Center, Women's Center, MECHA, Accion Zapatista, Black Student Union, Latinos Unidos, Asian Pacific American Student Alliance, American Indian Alliance, Sista to Sista, Gamma Alpha Omega Sorority, Jewish Student Union, Queer Student Union, Disability Resource Center, University Police Department,

Lumber Jack Newspaper, President Rollin Richmond, Dr. Steve Butler Vice President of Student Affairs, Dr. Richard Vrem Vice President of Academic Affairs, Helen Jones Director of Diversity and Compliance Services, Susan Higgins, Dean of the College of Professional Studies, Karen Carlton, Dean of the College of Arts and Humanities, James Howard, Dean of the College of Natural Resources and Sciences and all academic departments, Sue McConnie, Chair, Academic Senate, Richard Vrem, Provost, Val Philips, Dean of Undergraduate Studies and Office of Enrollment Management, Randi Darnell Burke, Director of Educational Opportunity Program, and members of the local media.

Authored by Jordan Camp, James Braggs, Franisco, Samantha Willams-Grey,
Paris Adkins, Kelley Kiesling, Gretchen Kinney Newsom.

original signatures on file at the Associated Students office

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Resolution in Opposition to the Excess/Sanctionable Units Initiative

Resolution in Opposition to the proposed Excess/Sanctionable Units Initiative for Higher Education

Adopted May 3, 2004

Whereas: The Mission Statement of the Associated Students of Humboldt State University states "The Associated Students…[shall] provide an official voice through which students' opinions may be expressed;" and

Whereas: The Governor has vigorously pursued a series of severe cuts and significant fee increases directed at higher education to offset the California budget deficit. Within the Governor's proposed budget is an equally detrimental initiative referred to as Excess Units, also known as Sanctionable Units; and

Whereas: According to the Governor's Budget Summary on Higher Education 2004-2005, "the Governor's Budget proposes an elimination of the General Fund subsidy for UC and CSU students who take courses in excess of 110 percent of the total units required to earn their degree. Since most undergraduate majors at CSU require 120 semester units, students would generally begin paying the additional per-unit charge after completing 132 units;" and

Whereas: According to the Senate Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review*, " This proposal is specifically aimed at providing a financial incentive for students who have already earned enough units for a Bachelor's degree to graduate, rather than staying enrolled and taking additional (presumably unnecessary) courses. If students were to pay the full cost of instruction the price tag would be approximately $7,500 at the CSU. Both the UC and CSU seriously doubt they would be able to reap much (if any) of the $33.7 million of revenue this proposal is expected to raise. {Rather,} students would presumably graduate and/or stop taking classes if the cost were to escalate to $200-300 per unit;" and,

Whereas: The Excess/Sanctionable Units Initiative would deter students from the potential of double majors, minors, and/or study abroad opportunities, which are deemed necessary for competitive career placement post-graduation; and

Whereas: The Initiative's success relies on the student's unchallenged ability to declare a major early in his/her pursuit of a degree within higher education, and precludes him/her from the full ability to alter the declared choice and change majors; and

Whereas: The proposal hinders Humboldt State University and the CSU from upholding their commitment to the support of life long learning; and therefore be it
Resolved: The Associated Students of Humboldt State University is supportive of students identifying and meeting their educational goals rather than facilitating a policy that creates punitive measures against students who pursue learning above and beyond 110% of the minimum number of units necessary to graduate; and be it further

Resolved: The Associated Students of Humboldt State University acknowledges the need to facilitate graduation in a timely manner and recommends a policy that focuses on academic advising resources such as the degree audit report, mentoring, or degree road maps; and be it further

Resolved: The Associated Students of Humboldt State University condemns the Excess/Sanctionable Units Initiative, and regards it as a potential atrocity to learning and academic freedom; and be it further

Resolved: That copies of this resolution shall be sent to, but not limited to Governor Schwarzenegger, Chancellor Reed, the Board of Trustees, President of the UC, Chancellor of the Community Colleges, the Senate Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review, the Senate Committee on Education, the Assembly Committee on Higher Education, the Assembly Committee on Appropriations, Assemblymember Berg, Senator Chesbro, President Richmond, Provost Vrem, the HSU Academic Senate, the Statewide Academic Senate, CSSA, the Associated Students of the CSU, K-12 Superintendent of Public Education, and the Lumberjack Newspaper.

Authored by: Gretchen Kinney Newsom

_________________________________________________ ____________________________________
Christopher Cook, Representative Dusty Duley, Representative
College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences College of Natural Resources & Sciences

_________________________________________________ ____________________________________
Gretchen Kinney Newsom, President Kelley Kiesling, Legislative Vice-President

* Senate Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review, Overview of the 2004-2005 Budget Bill, Higher Education.

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Proposition 55-Support

Resolution in Support of Proposition 55, The Kindergarten-University Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 2004

Adopted November17, 2003

Whereas, The majority of public educational institutions in the State of California, elementary schools through universities, are in significant need of funds for building more classrooms, retrofitting buildings, improving technological infrastructure, and better equipping libraries; and

Whereas, Proposition 55 is the second half of the 2002 School Bond Package that will continue long-term investment in education by allowing the State of California to sell bonds with the intent of procuring funds to continue essential construction and renovations to public education facilities; and

Whereas, The California State University system alone is expected to grow to over 500,000 students enrolled as early as 2010. This significant growth pattern is the equivalent of adding a campus the size of CSU Sacramento, approximately 20,000 students each year to the current CSU system; and

Whereas, Eight of the 23 CSU campuses are suffering from the effects of impaction and may be unable to fulfill their mission to provide access to a quality higher education to the people of California; and

Whereas, The economic condition of Californiaäó¢íó_í_Œés budget is resulting in massive reductions to all segments of education, with severe cuts to the two systems of Higher Education that serve over 611,000 students, and

Whereas, The CSU capital outlay plan estimates a need of $3.6 billion over the next five years. Funds provided by School Bonds under Proposition 55 will address 19 percent of the total need, and

Whereas, Humboldt State University students will directly benefit from the health and wellness opportunities from the proceeds of bonds sold under Proposition 55 to remodel the Forbes Complex, and

Whereas, Humboldt State University students will further benefit by funds provided by the School Bonds identified in Proposition 55 by creating additional learning opportunities with the addition of the Behavioral & Social Sciences Building, and

Whereas, Proposition 55 is a direct investment for our local economy by generating
100 jobs for the construction of the Behavioral & Social Sciences building, and will expand the approximately 250,00 job opportunities created by Proposition 47, and

Whereas, The $690 million provided to the California State University would
provide for desperately needed funding for the future, and therefore be it

Resolved, that The Associated Students of Humboldt State University fully support
Proposition 55, the Kindergarten-University Public Education Facilities
Bond Act of 2004, and further be it

Resolved, This resolution be sent, but not limited to, President Rollin Richmond, Vice President Carl Coffey, the Academic Senate, the California State Student Association, Assemblywoman Patty Berg, and Senator Wesley Chesbro, the Lumberjack newspaper and the local media.

Authored by:
Manolo P. Platin
California State Student Association Representative

______________________________ ______________________________
Joshua Allen, Representative Diana Campos, Representative
College of Natural Resources & Sciences College of Natural Resources & Sciences

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Student Fee Affordability Act of 2003

Resolution in Support of Assembly Bill 550 (Diaz)
Student Fee Affordability Act of 2003

Adopted 4/23/03

Whereas, the authors of the Master Plan believed that the äó¢íó_äó¢íó_äó¢íó_traditional policy of nearly a century of tuition-free higher education is in the best interest of the state and should be continuedäó¢íó_í_Œ; and

Whereas, part of the California State University Mission is to prepare significant numbers of educated, responsible people to contribute to Californiaäó¢íó_í_Œés schools, economy, culture and future; and

Whereas, CSU students have seen commitment to this ideal erode significantly over the past decade, over which time the State University Fee has increased by 152% (including the Governoräó¢íó_í_Œés proposed 25% increase in the 2004 budget); and

Whereas, on December 16, 2002, the CSU Board of Trustees, with blatant disregard for shared governance and despite the outcry from hundreds of students present, the Lieutenant Governor, California Latino Legislative Caucus and other legislators, held a special meeting to significantly increase student fees; and

Whereas, the California Postsecondary Education Commission has stated that äó¢íó_äó¢íó_äó¢íó_Changes in resident student fees should take into consideration the total cost to the student attending the university, including mandatory campus based student fees, housing and living expenses, as well as all other expenses associated with university attendance issuesäó¢íó_í_Œ (Commission Report 02-12); and

Whereas, the Board of Trustees clearly did not consider all the relevant factors effecting students with regards to this student fee increase and its timing, nor was there respect shown for the practice of shared governance; and

Whereas, Assembly Bill 550 would establish a system-wide student fee committee in each of the three higher education segments, the University of California, the CSU, and the California Community College system; and

Whereas, the student fee committee would be comprised of a majority of students and other stakeholders in each higher education segment, including faculty, administrators, staff and parents; and

Whereas, the purpose of the committees would be to empower system stakeholders to ensure that student fees and student fee policies are developed collaboratively; and
Whereas, the charge of the committees would be to examine the feasibility and impact of forcing students and their families to pay more for public postsecondary education, and to implement a process that exhausts all alternatives in searching for ways to alleviate the need for student fee increases; and

Whereas, Assembly Bill 550 would ensure legislative oversight and involvement when student fee increases are considered through the development of student fee guidelines; therefore be it

Resolved, The Associated Students of Humboldt State University supports Assembly Bill 550, and commends author Assembly Member Diaz for his student-centered approach to addressing changes to the cost of attending a California State University; and be it further

Resolved, that this Resolution be distributed but distribution not limited to Assembly Members of the Higher Education Committee, CSU Board of Trustees, CSU Chancellor Charles B. Reed, President Rollin Richmond, Humboldt State Academic Senate Chair Sue MacConnie, CFA President John Travis.

____________________________________ ___________________________________
Julia Donhost, Representative Kelley Kiesling, Representative
College of Arts, Humanities & Social Science College of Professional Studies

____________________________________ ___________________________________
Gretchen Kinney Manuel Fonseca
President Legislative Vice President

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Ballot Initiative Regarding Student Satisfaction with Academic Advising

Resolution for Ballot Initiative Regarding
Student Satisfaction with Academic Advising

Adopted 03/24/03

WHEREAS: The general student election is forthcoming on the 22nd, 23rd, and 24th of
April, 2003; and,

WHEREAS: The Associated Students of Humboldt State University is concerned with the
quality of academic advising, as it directly relates to student retention and
timely graduation; and,

WHEREAS: The Associated Students of Humboldt State University values student input
regarding the issue of academic advising; and,

WHEREAS: In order for Humboldt State University to conduct change, in relation to
academic advising, there first must be a demonstrated student concern; and
therefore be it

RESOLVED: That the following question be placed on the Student General Election Ballot
for the election taking place on the 22nd, 23rd, and 24th of April, 2003:

1) Rate your satisfaction with the academic advising you have received from
your academic advisor:

äó¢íó_í_Œ¢Extremeley Satisfied
äó¢íó_í_Œ¢Very Satisfied
äó¢íó_í_Œ¢Extremely Dissatisfied

and furthermore, be it

RESOLVED: That copies of the results of this ballot question will be sent to, but not
limited to, President Rollin Richmond, the Academic Provost, Dr. Steven
Butler, Vice-President of Student Affairs, the Academic Senate, and all
department chairs within Humboldt State University.

Authored by: Gretchen Kinney & Manuel Fonseca

_____________________________________ ________________________________
Kyle Zeck James Corcoran
AHSS Representative RHA Repesentative

_____________________________________ ________________________________
Manuel Fonseca Gretchen Kinney
Legislative Vice President President

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Resolution Opposing Infrastructure Change in the Foyer Gallery

Resolution Opposing Infrastructure Change in the Foyer Gallery

Adopted 10/20/03

Whereas: The Student Access Gallery, an official Associated Students
sponsored program since 1987, is committed to enhancing the campus
environment with visual art shows. Student Access Gallery is the voice
for student artists who plan to work in the competitive field of art and
to all students who want to know more about the operations of galleries or
museums. Student Access Gallery is a network for the sharing of
experience and information between artists and students who are interested in enhancing the campus environment, and,

Whereas: The Student Access Gallery's Foyer Gallery located in the Art
Complex Building 2A room 131A has been sited for an infrastructure
project for fiber optics and telecommunications, which would eliminate
an 8 x 12 foot section of the gallery space; and,

Whereas: The planned infrastructure project would detrimentally effect
Student Access Gallery's ability to fulfill its mission statement by
severely compromising the availability of the Foyer Gallery as an
exhibition space. This space is the flagship gallery of this program, and
the addition of an 8 x 12 foot room would remove a significant amount of
wall space and 96 square feet (out of 414 total) of floor space from the
main area of the gallery; and

Whereas: This change would render this space unusable for 3-D artwork,
including sculpture, ceramics, jewelry and any installation projects; and

Whereas: Humboldt State University is a student centered campus, and the
lack of communication with Student Access Gallery does not follow this
ideal. Due to this lack of communication the Student Access Gallery was
not officially informed about this project, but did confirm this
information through the Art Department on October 15th; with the proposed infrastructure project planned to begin October 29th; and,

Whereas: The Student Access Gallery has already scheduled exhibitions,
which utilize the entire space through the end of the year. This
infrastructure project would have an immediate and devastating impact on
the educational opportunities for art students, and compromises the
overall artistic atmosphere of Humboldt State University, and

Whereas: Shared governance is an official policy of the California State University
System (CSU) and Humboldt State University including full disclosure
and input from the Associated Students on University issues that affect
students. Therefore be it,

Resolved: That the Associated Students and the Student Access Gallery demands
that the impending infrastructure project within the Foyer Gallery be
immediately halted; be it further

Resolved: That the Associated Students and the Student Access Gallery recommends
that an alternative space be located for the storage of the fiber-optics
telecommunications network; be it further

Resolved: In the future, any projects with detrimental effects to students or student
programming be communicated with the Associated Students in a timely
manner; be it further

Resolved: That copies of this resolution will be sent to, but not limited
to, Rollin Richmond, President, Richard Vrem, the Academic Provost, Steven Butler, Vice President of Student Affairs, Carl Coffey, Vice President of Administrative Affairs, Bob Shultz, Director of Physical Services, Steve Haag, Infrastructure Project Manager, the HSU Academic Senate, the California State Student Association, the Lumberjack and the local media.

Authored by: Cyrus Smith and Laurie Naber

______________________________________ ____________________________________
Laurie Naber, Representative Liz Miller, Representative
College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences All University

______________________________________ ____________________________________
Kelley Kiesling Gretchen Kinney
Legislative Vice President President

Original signatures on file at Associated Students.

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KFRH Digital Broadcast Resolution Digital Broadcast Resolution

KRFH Digital Broadcast Resolution

Adopted October 21, 2002

Whereas: KRFH 610 AM is the primary educational environment for the 75 students of Journalism and Mass Communication (JMC) 155, 333, and 355, and

Whereas: The students of JMC155, 333, and 355 are the primary broadcast representatives of student ideas, interests and issues to those outside of this broadcast market, and

Whereas: Digital broadcasting is the primary method of KRFHäó¢íó_í_Œés information dissemination is the only method of dissemination to those outside of our broadcast market, and

Whereas: HSU student access to an Internet audience is a necessary aspect of HSUäó¢íó_í_Œés broadcast academic programs and universityäó¢íó_í_Œés development and advancement and digital broadcasting provides cutting edge learning opportunities vital for preparing Humboldt State University students for careers in competitive and technological driven industries, and

Whereas: Royalty reimbursement for educational use of copyrighted material has been historically centrally managed by the university, therefore be it

Resolved: Digital broadcast royalty reimbursement for KRFH Internet broadcasts should become a centrally managed commitment of the University, furthermore be it,

Resolved: That copies of this resolution be sent to but not limited to President HSU Dr Rollin Richmond; Vice President of Student Affairs Dr. Steven Butler; Dean College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Science Karen Carlton, Academic Budget Committee, CSSA, and the Lumberjack Newspaper.

Authored by: James F. Corcoran and Nolan O'Brien

__________________ __ ______________ ___ ___
James F. Corcoran Kelley Kiesling
RHA Representative Professional Studies Representative

____________________________ _________________________ _ _
Manuel Fonseca Gretchen Kinney
Legislative Vice President President

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Associated Students' Response to HSU Budget Reduction



Whereas, Humboldt State University is facing budget cuts and will likely be

facing more budget cuts in the near future; and

Whereas, Access to higher education, retention, and matriculation rates are always negatively impacted by an increase of average unmet need; and,

Whereas, Students at Humboldt State University already rely heavily on financial aid and the services that the school provides; therefore, be it

Resolved, Budget reductions at all times should take into consideration how that reduction will effect the student body as a whole, as well as,
how the reduction will effect access to higher education at HSU; furthermore, be it

Resolved, Reductions of classes that allow students the ability to attend Humboldt
State University reduces access to higher education and should be
avoided; furthermore, be it

Resolved, Imposing new academic commitments and costs on already strained
student fee budgets should not be considered as an appropriate method
for dealing with lean state and federal budgets; these programs are vital to
student life and the academic experience and should remain as shared
commitments between the university and students; furthermore, be it

Resolved, Elimination of non-academic services that would impact the health and
well-being of the student body should not be considered for budget cuts;
furthermore, be it

Resolved, Other cuts to non-academic services should be evaluated on the basis
of criteria which include:
if/how the service gives aid to students in need on
if/how this service provides job training or jobs to
students on campus,
if/how the service promotes personal growth of the
students involved;
furthermore, be it

Resolved, This resolution shall be sent to, but not limited to HSU President
Richmond; all Vice-Presidents; all College Deans; all Department Heads;
Academic Senate; all budgeting committees on HSU campus; CSSA,
The Lumberjack; KRFH; and other local media.

Authored by: Emilia Patrick

________signature on file____________ ___ signature on file_______
Samantha Williams Dusty Duley
CAHSS Representative CNRS Representative

__________________________ __________________________
Manuel Fonseca Gretchen Kinney
Legislative Vice President President

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Resolution in Response to the California State Budget Crisis


Adopted February 10, 2003

Whereas, The future of California depends on an educated populace to form a solid and
dependable economy, and

Whereas, the California State budget deficit of approximately $30 billion can only be resolved
now and prevented in the future if the Governor, the Legislature, and the Board of
Trustees maintain their commitment to an educated California by insuring affordable
access to the California State University, and

Whereas, Governor Gray Davis stated, October 25, 2002, äó¢íó_äó¢íó_äó¢íó_I know that every time we raise
student fees, we freeze our students, we deny them the opportunity for an unparalleled
educationäó¢íó_í_Œ, and

Whereas, the Associated Students at Humboldt State University clearly stated their position by
adopting a Resolution in Opposition to Student-Fee Increases (December 13, 2002)
and articulated their priorities for planning budget cuts in the adopted resolution
Associated Student's Response to HSU Budget Reduction (November 4, 2002), and

Whereas, the Board of Trustees has already imposed an ill-advised, much opposed mid-year fee
increase of 10% for undergraduate and 15% for graduate students, and

Whereas, the practice of shared governance was not faithfully executed by the CSU statewide
administration during the mid-year fee increase that the Board of Trustees imposed
with no student input, no warning, and at a strategically inconvenient time for students,

Whereas, the Governoräó¢íó_í_Œés budget as offered to the Legislature assumes that the Board of Trustees
will compensate for budget cuts by generating revenue through a further increase in
student fees, and

Whereas, CSU Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief Financial Officer Richard West said that
äó¢íó_äó¢íó_äó¢íó_the 2003-04 budget proposed by the Governor assumes annual fee revenue for the CSU
of $212.2 million, which would be generated from the current year increase in student
fees and an additional undergraduate fee increase of 25% percent ($396) and a graduate
fee increase of 20% ($348).äó¢íó_í_Œ (from the Public Summary of the January 28-29, 2003,
Board of Trustees Meeting)

Whereas, The Governor has shown that he has not heard the recognized voice of the students
from Humboldt State University or the California State University as a whole, as shown
by the expectation of the revenue generation through an increase in student fees, and

Whereas, the Governor has kept the student voice from the table by itemizing the cuts
that the CSU will be expected to make in the coming fiscal year, therefore be it

Resolved, that the Associated Students of HSU stand with the California State Student
Association, the students of the University of California and the students of the
California Community College in direct opposition to any additional increase in
student fees, and be it further

Resolved, at the statewide level the Associated Students of HSU will remain dedicated to
collaborating with the Governor, the State Legislature, and statewide administrative
bodies to shape the higher education communityäó¢íó_í_Œés response to the California budget
crisis, upholding the promise of shared governance, and be it further

Resolved, at the campus level, that the Associated Students of HSU will remain dedicated
to collaborating with the administration, the Academic Senate and staff and auxiliary
representatives to shape the Humboldt State University communityäó¢íó_í_Œés response to the
California budget crisis, upholding the promise of shared governance, and be it

Resolved, that the Associated Students of HSU will respond to the proposed fee increases
with an education campaign to insure that students are prepared to adjust their
budgets if the Board of Trustees persists on the course they have laid out in their
most recent meeting, and be it further

Resolved, the Associated Students of HSU will continue to work with the CSSA to speak
for students in the Capital, as the recognized voice of CSU students, 407,000
strong, and be it further

Resolved, that this resolution be sent be sent, but distribution not limited to HSU
President Rollin Richmond and the Executive Committee, the HSU Academic Senate
Executive Committee, the CSSA Board of Directors, CSU Board of Trustees,
Chancellor Charles Reed, State Assembly Member Patty Berg, State Senator
Wes Chesbro, and Governor Gray Davis, HSU Lumberjack.

Authored by:

Caitlin Gill,
California State Student Association Representative

__________________________________ _______________________________
Gretchen Kinney Manuel Fonseca
Associated Students President Legislative Vice President

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Resolution Supporting the Day of Silence Project


Adopted 3/24/03

Whereas, The Mission Statement of the Associated Students of Humboldt State University
states, "The Associated Studentsäó¢íó_äó¢íó__[shall] assist in the protection of the rights
and interests of the individual student and the student body; provide services and
programs as deemed necessary by the corporation to meet the needs of the student
and campus community; and to stimulate the educational, social, physical, and
cultural well-being of the University community; and

Whereas, Humboldt State University and the Associated Students of Humboldt State
University support and value diversity, which is not limited to different ethnicities
and cultures, but also includes gender and sexual orientation, and

Whereas, The Associated Students of Humboldt State University uphold a commitment to
commend and partake in acts of social justice that educate the community on
issues of diversity and extend opportunities of equal rights for all people, and

Whereas, The Day of Silence Project is a international student-led action day that protests
the discrimination, harassment and abuse faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender (LGBT) people and their allies, and

Whereas, The Day of Silence Project advocates awareness of diversity issues and mobilizes
people of all sexual orientations and gender identities who support lesbian, gay,
bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) rights to take a vow of silence to recognize and
protest the silence that LGBT people face each day, and

Whereas, The 2003 Day of Silence will be held on April 9th. Therefore be it

Resolved, The Associated Students of Humboldt State University officially support and
commend the actions of the Day of Silence Project, and the HSU students who
have taken it upon themselves to organize and facilitate this event; be it further

Resolved, The Associated Students of Humboldt State University encourages active
participation in this event amongst our students, staff, and faculty; participation
includes taking a vow of silence for the duration of April 9th 2003 until the hour
of 5pm at which time participants will gather on the UC Quad for the "Breaking
the Silence" followed by coalition building, socializing, and empowerment
activities; be it further

Resolved, That copies of this resolution be sent, but not limited to, HSU President Rollin Richmond, Vice-President of Student Affairs Dr. Steve Butler, Academic Provost
Richard Vrem, HSU Department chairs, the HSU Academic Senate, HSU's Multi-
Cultural Center, the California State Student Association, the HSU Lumberjack, and the local media.

Authored by: Gretchen Kinney

_____________________________________ ______________________________
Samantha Williams James Corcoran
AHSS Representative RHA Representative

_____________________________________ ______________________________
Manuel Fonseca Gretchen Kinney
Legislative Vice President President

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Resolution for Ballot Initiative Regarding HSU Green Building Design

Resolution for Ballot Initiative Regarding
HSU Green Building Design

Adopted 4/7/03

WHEREAS: The general student election is forthcoming on the 22nd, 23rd, and 24th of April, 2003; and,

WHEREAS: The Associated Students of Humboldt State University believe students have a right to a democratic process which allows us to make decisions about issues that govern our lives,

WHEREAS: Humboldt State University has a long history of advocating environmental and sustainable responsibility, as demonstrated within our curriculum, campus organizations, and research fellowships; and,

WHEREAS: Humboldt State University is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges as being "environmentally and socially responsible"; and

WHEREAS: There exists a strong connection between the current state budget crises and our state's recent energy crises, which thus creates an urgency to establish appropriate means for continued dedication to sustainable designs and technologies; and be it

RESOLVED: That the following question be placed on the Student General Election Ballot for the election taking place on the 22nd, 23rd, and 24th of April, 2003:

1) Should Humboldt State University incorporate sustainable building designs, as recommended by the Governoräó¢íó_í_Œés executive order D16, in all future buildings at HSU?
A) Yes
B) No

2) As a part of the inclusion of sustainable building designs, should Humboldt State University incorporate Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) standards in the construction of all future buildings at HSU?
A) Yes
B) No

And furthermore, be it

RESOLVED: That copies of the results of this ballot question will be sent to, but not limited to, President Rollin Richmond, the Academic Provost, Dr. Steven Butler, Vice-President of Student Affairs, Carl Coffey, Vice President of Administrative Affairs, Bob Schulz, Director of Physical Services, the Academic Senate, the California State Student Association, the Sustainable Task Force Club, the Campus Center for Appropriate Technology, the Lumberjack and the local media.

Authored by: April Armstrong, Gretchen Kinney, Molly Jacobs & Emilia Patrick

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Resolution Supporting the Creation of a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies Program at Humboldt

Resolution Supporting the Creation of a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies Program at HSU

Adopted October 21, 2002

Whereas: Diversity in education is not only limited to different ethnicities and cultures
but also includes gender and sexual orientation; and

Whereas: All oppressions are interconnected, and through Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,
and Transgender (LGBT) issues, we will also be looking at other oppressive
forces, such as sexism, racism, classism, ageism, etc.; and,

Whereas: HSU is responsible for countering discriminatory attitudes through an
educational curriculum that offers an opportunity to discuss, dismantle,
and deconstruct oppression in its many forms; and,

Whereas: A LGBT Studies Program will increase dialogue and community among
our students, faculty, staff, and administration at HSU. Attached are letters
and petitions showing the existing fevor for such action to take place; and,

Whereas: Our educational institution should provide students with a medium for
analysis, inquiry, and critique that reflects the many diversities within our
student population and larger community; and,

Whereas: A LGBT Studies Program would provide additional opportunities to meet
HSU's obligation to provide educational programs to combate hate. Cal. Ed.
Code 66252 B states "California's postsecondary educational institutions
have an affirmative obligation to combat racism, sexism, and other forms of
bias, and a responsibility to provide equal educational opportunity;" and,

Whereas: An evident desire for a LGBT Studies Program has been expressed by
potential and current students, faculty, and staff of HSU; and

Whereas: Hate-crimes are a reality in the US, California, Arcata and on campus at
HSU, and often go unreported or ignored. A LGBT Studies Program would
help create a safer community for queer students, thus hopefully reducing the number of violent, dangerous and possibly deadly hate-crimes in the future; and therefore be it,

Resolved: That we, as the Associated Students of HSU, feel it is time for our institution
to join leading California State Universities such as San Francisco, Long
Beach, Los Angeles, and San Jose, in the movement toward increasing
diversity in higher education and create a LGBT Program; be it further,

Resolved: This resolution shall be sent to, but not limited to, US President Bush; HSU
President Richmond; Vice President of Student Affairs, Steven Butler; Vice
President of Academic Affairs; the University Curriculum Committee; Dawn
Hill, and the Office of Diversity and Compliance; the Academic Senate; all
College Deans; all department heads; the Multi-Cultural Center; and the Queer
Student Union.


uthored by: Julie Gallegos and James Showalter-Garcia

________________________________ ______________________________
Amy Muslin Kelley Kiesling
All University Representative AS Professional Studies Representative

_______________________________ ______________________________
Manuel Fonseca Gretchen Kinney
Legislative Vice President President

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Resolution Opposing the Creno/RPI Proposition


Adopted 3/24/03

Whereas, The Mission Statement of the Associated Students of Humboldt State University states that "The Associated Studentsäó¢íó_äó¢íó__[shall] provide an official voice through which students' opinions may be expressed;" and

Whereas, Humboldt State University and the Associated Students of Humboldt State University support and value diversity, a concept that creates a multi-faceted network of cross-cultural ideas, perspectives, and opinions which provide an invaluable portion of our education, and

Whereas, The Classification of Race, Ethnicity, and National Origin (CRENO) Initiative, otherwise known as the Racial Privacy Initiative (RPI), aims to inhibit California's ability to gather data on race, ethnicity, color, or national origin in the operation of public education, public contracting, or public employment, and

Whereas, the CRENO Initiative would eliminate the gathering of valuable racial and ethnic data that is vital to identifying, tracking, and rectifying racial or ethnic disparities in access to public higher education, academic achievement, hate crimes, and incidents of discrimination, and

Whereas, The elimination of such data will have detrimental effects on our university's ability to address issues of racial /ethnic disparity as it relates to admissions and outreach, perform undergraduate/graduate research which includes issues of ethnicity and race, or identify and rectify discrepancies in hiring, promotion, and compensation practices within the Humboldt State University community, and

Whereas, The CRENO Initiative will not move our nation toward becoming a color-blind society, but will induce barriers to public higher education and obscure statewide racial/ethnic discrepancies, and

Whereas, The California State Student Association and the University of California Student Association have already publicly opposed this initiative. Therefore be it

Resolved, The Associated Students of Humboldt State University officially take a unified stance against the CRENO Initiative; be it further

Resolved, The Associated Students of Humboldt State University will work in collaboration with other organizations that oppose this initiative and organize to defeat it; be it futher

Resolved, The Associated Students of Humboldt State University urges the Academic Senate of Humboldt State University, President Rollin Richmond, the CSU Board of Trustees, and Chancellor Reed to take similar actions to oppose the CRENO Initiative; be it further

Resolved, That copies of this resolution be sent, but not limited to, HSU President Rollin Richmond, the HSU Academic Senate, HSU's Multi-Cultural
Center, the California State Student Association, the University of California Student Association, the CSU Board of Trustees, CSU Chancellor Charles Reed, State Assembly Member Patty Berg, State Senator Wes Chesbro, Governor Gray Davis, the HSU Lumberjack, and the local media.

Authored by:
Gretchen Kinney,
President, Associated Students, Humboldt State University

_______________________________ ______________________________
Jessica Mathews James Corcoran
All University Representative RHA Representative

_______________________________ ______________________________
Manuel Fonseca Gretchen Kinney
Legislative Vice President President

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Resolution Regarding Support of Proposition 47

Resolution Regarding Support of Proposition 47,
The Kindergarten-University Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 2002

Adopted October 7, 2002

Whereas: Public educational institutions in California, Elementary schools through to Universities, are in desperate need of funds for building more classrooms, retrofitting buildings, improving technological infrastructure, and better equipping libraries; and

Whereas: The California State University system alone is expected to grow to a half million students enrolled as early as 2010. This growth pattern is the equivalent of adding a college the size of CSU Hayward, approximately 13,000 people each year to the current CSU system; and

Whereas: Many California State University campuses are already suffering from the effects of impaction and will be unable to fulfill their mission to provide access to higher education to the students of California; and

Whereas: Proposition 47 is a bond measure that would allow the State of California to sell bonds with the intent of procuring money for badly needed renovations to public education facilities; and

Whereas: The $330 million provided annually to the California State University between 2002 and 2004 would give our institutions a running start into the future, therefore be it

Resolved: The Associated Students of Humboldt State University support Proposition 47, the Kindergarten-University Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 2002, and further more be it,

Resolved: This resolution shall be sent to but not limited to President Richmond, the LumberJack, and CSSA

Authored by: Caitlin Gill

____________________ ____________________
Samantha Williams Kelley Kiesling
Arts, Humanities, and Social Science Professional Studies
Representative Representative

________________ _______________
Manual Fonseca Gretchen Kinney
Legislative Vice President President

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Resolution Regarding the Smoking Policy

Resolution Regarding the Smoking Policy

Adopted October 7, 2002

Whereas: Humboldt State University is a student centered campus and;

Whereas: The students of Humboldt State University have the right to participate in the formation of policies and procedures that directly affect them; and

Whereas: The Board of Trustees of the California State University (CSU) have mandated that revised smoking policies must be implemented on all 23 of the CSU campuses; and therefore be it

Resolved: That the students of Humboldt State University should be given the opportunity to vote on a new smoking policy that fits into the guidelines set by the Board of Trustees of the California State University and be it further,

Resolved: That the ballot statement and question be generated from a collaboration between the Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Committee and an A.S. Symposium on the Campus Smoking Policy and to be ultimately amended and passed by the A.S. Council prior to the campus ballot initiative deadline, and be it,

Resolved: That this student vote coincide with the general elections of the Associated Student government elections of the Spring Semester 2003 and furthermore, be it

Resolved: That copies of this resolution be sent to, but not limited to, President Richmond, Vice President of Student Affairs Steven Butler, the Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Prevention Committee, the Lumberjack, and CSSA.

Authored by: David Riesenfeld

____________________ ____________________
Amy Muslin Kelley Kiesling
Interdisciplinary Studies Professional Studies
Representative Representative

________________ _______________

Manual Fonseca Gretchen Kinney
Legislative Vice President President

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